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A Truth Is Revealed

7.5k words

Warnings: child abuse, mentions of death, lots of blood, depressing thoughts.


Ace sinks to his knees at the sight. First his wife was forcefully ripped away from him, and then because of it she was dead. The ship the Marines had taken her on was blown to bits and pieces. The raging fire leaving no place untouched as it burned down right in front of his eyes. Time felt like it stopped as his vision got misty. He couldn't look away from the sight as it became seared into his memories.

"No," Luffy whispers out and watches the scene in horror. He makes no move whatsoever and can't tear his eyes away. There was no physical way for her to have survived that when they were sure every Marine on board had been annihilated. "Just like Sabo." Luffy breathlessly realizes.

That seemed to be the trigger for Ace.

"Y/n!" Ace desperately screams for his love. He screams her name over and over and over again. He couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it as his voice went raw. His fists beat into the ground every time he says her name and tears overflow from his eyes. "Why! Why wasn't I strong enough! Why did they have to take you! Why am I cursed!"

Tears hit his shaking hands in anger. On his finger he sees his wedding ring and couldn't help but think to how excited y/n was when she first saw it. Ace cradles his hand with the ring on it to his chest. His heart aching and emotionally crushing him under the weight. They were suppose to be together forever.

They promised.

Ace was so overwhelmed by this it was hard to think straight. He and Luffy never moved from that spot on the cliff as the ship started to turn into driftwood and then to ash. They foolishly had their hopes up that she somehow survived and was swimming to them. Anything to keep their minds far away from the truth.

Denial was always the first stage of grief. Somewhere in their heads they knew this but refused to focus on that. She couldn't be gone. Not like how they lost Sabo. She couldn't. It was a silent night as neither brother spoke a word to each other or dozed off to sleep. Minds keeping them awake with a foolish fantasy of her returning. Come next morning, they could no longer deny it and the waterworks started all over again except this time worse. 

Y/n wasn't coming back.

They lost another family member in the blink of an eye. Only over a month after the incident with Sabo. Not yet fully recovered and thrown right back into misery.

She disappeared with the wind.


Birds were crowing up above the pirate ship. It was unsteady as the harsh waves were jostling the all women crew around. They were use to this though and adjusted their weight to keep them steady and on the move to complete daily tasks being ecstatic about the victory.

Inside the captains chambers, Hancock sits at the side of her bed anxious. Her sisters were a little further back and stared at the woman with pity. They had never seen Hancock this worried in her entire life and the reason why was totally justifiable.

There was a small figure on the bed which looked so fragile to the sisters. The figure was knocked out cold and tucked in under the covers. There was a wet rag on her head and she was groaning in pain with sweat dripping down her forehead.

"Come on y/n. Wake up, please," Hancock pleaded with her unconscious daughter. After she had attacked the Marine ship, she grabbed her daughter just before the second explosion hit her and jumped back to her ship safely. It got rid of any Marines who could snitch on her to the World Government for what she did and she finally had her child in her arms again after so many tough years.

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