Impressing The Husbands Family

5k words

Warnings: cursing.
*you'll know when to play the song*


The ship rushes towards the upper currents at an alarming pace. There was no stopping it now as hands clutched the side of the boat and joyous laughter rang throughout. The sunlight was just above the surface and they were approaching it fast. It was almost blinding underwater where fish swam as far away from the boat as possible.

Bursting past the threshold, our boat broke through the surface of the water and the bubble encasing us popped. We were airborne for a few seconds before crashing violently onto the rocking waters. Despite this our feet stayed steady and we were grinning from ear to ear.

"I'm actually in the New World! Take that Luffy-I beat you to it!" I shout with my arms raised high.

"You're so cute... and was that comment necessary?" He narrows his eyes at me. "So unprovoked."

I whine at this and place my hands on my hips. "C'mon, let me be happy? This is the first time I've come here after learning about it for so long. And I can't help it, sticking it to Luffy when he's not here is what I did before everything happened."

Ace raises an inquisitive brow. "Did you stick it to me too when you got to the Grand Line?"

"Obviously." I deadpan crossing my arms. "Who do I look like?"

"My loving wife who couldn't hurt a fly or disrespect people even if they did her wrong." He answers half serious and half playing around.

"Get real Ace." I shake my head with a smile and seat myself beside him. "So how do we find your crew?"

He pauses for a moment to consider what I said. "I was thinking we float around for a while and I'm sure we'll find them."

I give him a look and raise my hand in a threatening manner. "Stop fucking with me."

"Fine." Ace chuckles and pulls a piece of paper out of the bag attached to his leg. "I have pop's vivre card but I'm almost positive I know where he is. Blindfold me and I promise we'll find him."

"Or in the middle of a different emperors territory." I retort but at the prospect there's a nudging in me and a voice asking what if he can do it. It was interesting to think about just how good his instincts were and I was always up for a challenge. I take the red ribbon off my hat and hold it out to him with a small smirk and twinkling eyes. "But I'm curious to see if you can actually do it. Shall we test it?"


"Hot! Really hot! Cold!"

"What do you mean cold?" Ace exclaims frustrated at how I switched up on him so quickly.

We had been doing this for the past week or two and stopping only when we were at an island to restock supplies. He's adamant he can do this and I'll support him in whatever ways possible... with a light amount of teasing.

"Cold means cold! And now you're colder!" I tell him watching as Ace readjusts his steering from under the blindfold with a light amount of curses falling from his lips. Whitebeards vivre card in my hands pointing in the direction Ace was going in, though we didn't really need it now.

"How about now?" He asks

"Hot! Burning hot! Super hot!"

"Thanks for the compliment angel," Ace cheekily says with a cocky smile.

"Anytime my darling Acey-poo," a deeper voice startles my poor husband who rips off his blindfold the second he heard it.

"What the hell!" He exclaims looking up at the large ship beside us at the amused older man leaning over the railing. "Marco I should kill you for that! Hearing your voice instead of my beautiful wife's scared me half to death!"

A Dragons Fire [Portgas D. Ace x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now