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Bunny Charm

7.5k words

Warnings: mentions of fighting, blood, guns, depressing themes, mentions of death, cursing.


"What the hell is this?" I softly ask, turning around in a full circle. There were splashes under my feet and I look down to see in standing on a thin layer of water. The reflected version of myself made this entire thing more creepy as they didn't follow my moves and stared me down with such intensity.

"Trial three is set to begin whenever you are, Boa y/n." The reflections told me in my own voice.

I take in a deep breath and ask the one question I was dreading. "Whats the third trial?"

The reflections cruelly smirk at me. "It's simple, really. All you must do is accept who you are. How can you love someone if you don't love yourself?" They tilt their heads to the side in a questioning manner.

"Good luck Ace," I mutter to myself knowing full well he's still learning to love himself and I'm still learning to love myself. It's a process that's especially hard for us because of our bloodlines and now we had to face it? We may be fucked on this one.

"Each reflection is a door out of here. However only one door will lead you to the next trial, all the others will kill you instantly. Your task is to go through the door which best represents you. We are reflections and know your innermost secrets so don't be surprised when something you've buried comes out." A pit forms in my stomach. I've buried a lot of self hatred in my time and to hear mirror me say they're going to use it in a life or death trial frightens me. "Are you ready to begin trial three?"

I look around with tears already forming in the corners of my eyes and nod my head. "I am."

I refuse to let these mirrors break me.

"Good." They all smirk before individually doing their own things. Some of the me's are glaring while others look too cocky for their own good. They each had intimidating stances and I had to wonder if that's what I really looked like when facing an enemy.

It's no wonder they feared me. I was scared of myself.

Just looking into my own reflections eyes and seeing nothing but hatred and mischief had me wanting to break down. It's unnerving and I feel goosebumps rise to my skin. Sweat dripped down my forehead and I wrapped my arms around myself. I wasn't just scared, I was terrified.

"You are nothing more then your fathers perfect little creation. An experiment that shouldn't be alive. An abomination and anomaly. That's the only thing you should see when looking in the mirror." The first one hisses.

Ouch. I visibly flinch back. Did it have to start out with that one? I mean, I have a lot of issues but the worst one right off the gate? Really?

"You're weak. You spent so long training and claim to be one of the strongest of the island? What princess can't protect their own people?" The next mirror version of me cruelly smirks.

I start to shrink into myself but there was no escape to the madness.

"Who cares about the princess part?" Mirror me deviously cackles. It was crazed and deranged. I never knew I could make a sound like that. "You will only ever be known as a Celestial Dragon. It's a superior title. The only one that matters in the eyes of the world, and in the eyes of Ace." She waves her hand in a duh motion.

"Shut up." I tell mirror me wanting to cover my ears. I was heating up and my mind was becoming fuzzy. It's getting hard to drown out the negative thoughts rushing back to me. Being created in my mind and others being spoken by my own voice but not my body.

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