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A Change In Fate

4.7k words

Warnings: depictions of gory death, blood, kidnapping, child slavery, child labor work, mentions of drowning, mentions of torture, Government is ass, early motherhood (nothing sexual or implications of sex or having sex happens).


Boa Hancock.

A young girl born on the island of Amazon Lily. An all women island and a dream to most men in every Blue. Even called a paradise to those who didn't know it's true nature. It was located in the Calm Belt so the island rarely had any visitors. With strict rules, if a man did happen to wash up on the shores of their precious all girl island, then the punishment was death. No exceptions.

She has two younger sisters who she looks after. Boa Sandersonia, who had bright green eyes and the equally vibrant hair to match it. Then there was Boa Marigold, who had mute orange hair and adorably wide brown eyes accompanying it. Finally, Boa Hancock herself had shimmering black hair and her sparkling blue eyes. In all rights the sisters looked nothing alike but that never stopped them from being family. Family isn't connected by what people look like, but instead the actions shown to prove they care about one another. And the love the sisters shared towards each other was incomparable.

The Boa sisters excelled in their training and as a result were granted passage to go on a ship with a few other Kuja women for the occasional outing. It was the first time the sisters were allowed off the island so they were pretty ecstatic that it only took them less then ten years of their life to accomplish this when most women leave the island for the first time at the age of twenty two.

Boa Hancock was eight years old when she was allowed off the island, and her two younger sisters were seven and six at the time of the incident. Sandersonia being seven years old and Marigold being the youngest of the three at six. They never could have known something so little would have such a drastic effect of their lives.

This incident was changing course in what was destined for the future. A destiny set and planned, only to be altered by an unforeseen event. An anomaly that would disrupt any set path that the future was suppose to look like.

You see, to get to the story that changed the course of events, first you must know the beginning of how I, Boa y/n, an anomaly, came to be in this world. Now sit back, relax, and welcome to my origin story.

Boa Hancock places her hands of the edge of the ship that led her and her sisters away from the Amazon Lily. Her home which she has never set foot off of her entire life, that was going to change and she was ready for a little adventure. She was extremely excited and couldn't hide the joy on her face when the salty sea air was all she could smell. So different from the typical grassy earth smell she was use to.

"Hancock! Come help me pull down the sail!" One of her fellow Kuja women called to her. They had been travelling for a while and were about to exit the Calm Belt onto the Grand Line, and since the wind would be picking up, the Kuja thought it'd be better to use it to their advantage.

"Coming!" Hancock yells up to the older woman and runs over to the nets. Being trained to do this, she practically soars up the net until she at the top and swings her legs over the mast to keep herself steady and upright. She unties her side of the sail at the same time as one of the Kuja who called her up and let's their sail allow gravity to pull it down.

Hancock stands up on the mast and sees the divider where the Calm Belt met the Grand Line. It was easy to spot since on her side the waves never moved and were always calm, but on the other side they smashed against each other like a hurricane. Hancock couldn't help but stare in wonder as this was her first time seeing the Grand Line in person. The Amazon Lily has books about it but nothing beats the real thing in her opinion.

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