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Phoenix Novikov was brought to Russian spy parents at the age of just 4 months. She was a sorcerer of fire and ice; her mother was a witch while her father was a pyrokinesis. She was raised in the red room lower level that was very very top secret. She was called the red widow. Dreykov had taught her that the Avengers and SHIELD were the bad guys, he also had brainwashed her into thinking he 'loved' her and was protecting her. Phoenix was able to get the serum before her and the others were killed, she learned it wasn't safe there anymore.

When the red room got taken down, she ran away, the other 3 of the widows were dead, along with Dreykov. She ran and ran into the woods trying to be brave hoping she was safe. Just behind her was a blonde and red headed women chasing her. Nix has not had her 'graduation gift' yet. Shield and hydra had come into contact with her plenty of times when she was on missions, but they were either severely injured or dead when they, if they returned.

Nix has orange hair and e/c eyes. She has freckles but not too many. She is also a cutter and bad mental health. She started when she learned Dreykov wasn't protecting her but making her a weapon. Her sisters were the crimson widow, silver widow, and the blue widow

203 words

I'm currently writing all my stories on my computer because Wattpad IOS 9.79 crashed the app so i won't be updating anything after this is posted till it's fixed. 

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