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Nix's POV

I walked left from Vkusno I Tochka to find a bus stop. I walked for what seemed like forever but i soon found a bus stop with what looked like a homeless man. I sat next to him and put head back, waiting for the bus. (Russian convo) "You a runaway?" He asked, I looked at him "Something like that"

He scoffed a little "What?" I burrowed my eyebrows at him, "It's not a good choice kid, I ran away when I was 16. I broke my parents marriage and they got a divorce in the 3 months I was gone" I looked at the ground "I'm sorry" "Eh it's alright their dead now" He laughed, and I laughed a little at his Humor.

"I didn;t really runaway, from my 'home' it got destroyed and I don't have anyone but me, myself, and I" He looked at me sadly. "Sorry kid, just know that although you might be struggling now, some day you will look back and realize what went through changed you in many ways for the better good"

I was about to say something, but the bus had come. I got on the bus and handed the driver ₽5 ($0.081). I took a seat in the back of the bus where there was an empty seat. "To Rezh, 50 miles, 3 hours"

Nat's POV

After Ruberto had had called us saying that Phoenix would be moving towns we were upset but at least he got the tracker on her. Bucky and Clint came into the room, and we all looked at the tracker device, It almost looked like she was at a bus stop. After about 5 minutes she started moving again and it seems like she was in a vehicle.

Yelena went to go make some mac n cheese while Clint was eating goldfish and watching the device, Bucky went to go grab some Dorito's while I joined Yelena in the kitchen. "How do you plan on catching her?" Yelena asked while mixing the noodles. "I don't quite know yet, possibly getting her while she's sleeping and tranquilizing her" "So you're kidnapping her?" Yelena Laughed "It's kidnapping anyway we do it" I rolled my eyes playfully.

"She got off!" Clint had woken me up from my very peaceful nap yelling. "She's in Rezh" Clint continued "Where the hell is that?" I asked while walking over to Clint. "Don't know but it's only 47 miles away" Clint got up after saying that and packed his stuff. We packed our stuff as well.

Nix's POV

I had gotten off the bus at this bigger city, but not too much bigger. It was freezing here but the smell of hot cocoa filled my nose and it felt like paradise. I wanted to get some, but I only had ₽10 ($0.17) left so I had to be really careful with spending.

I saw this HUGE crowd crowded around this area with Russian music playing and I could see fire and people clapping. I squeezed through the crowd the best I could and when I got near the front, I saw this man in what seemed like an Indian outfit tossing fire batons and fire balls, and even swallowing fire and it came out of his mouth like a dragon! I didn't know what was happening, but I clapped with the people, I felt a smile form on my face and life didn't seem so bad at this moment.

After the show ended, I kept on moving forward, I started to get hungry, so I took out the last orange I had. It didn't quite taste good, it was all mushy and hot, but it was better than nothing. After about 10 more minutes of walking, I had found a little area in the woods that looked like an abandoned wolf's den, and well... if it wasn't abandoned then I'm someone's dinner.

I started a fire with my finger and warmed up my hands before taking out my blanket and wrapping it around myslef. I sat and watched the moon, the cars drove by, and the bright lights of Rezh shined in the distance.

I woke up when the sun was barely even up, I heard some loud whispering, a slap then an "ow!" It sounded like a male, but I wasn't too sure. I put out the dying fire with some water and peeked over the den to see if there was anyone there. I didn't see anyone, and I knew I heard something, so I got up and walked to where I heard the sound. "Who's there" I asked in Russian "Phoenix, please don't go" That black hair dude with a metal arm had said while putting his hands out straight and slowly walking towards me. "Stay away" I made a fire ball in my hand.

"We aren't going to hurt you, I promise" That blondie from 2 weeks ago said "Liars" "how do you know my name" I continued. "we aren't the bad people we're trying to help" Blondie started walking towards me. I ran away and grabbed my bag. I saw 4 people chasing after me and I was running as fast as I could go. The metal arm was a fast guy, he was nearly right behind me.

I shot fire behind me and aimed for his leg, he fell to the ground but quickly got up limping, I heard him say something in what sounded like German. He grabbed a gun from his pants and started shooting at me. I put my hands on my head to protect myself somehow and ran left so I wasn't in the direction of the gun.

944 words

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