Leonid Chekhov

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"We are having a thanksgiving party! Everyone is required to join- even you Phoenix" Tony pointed at me and I was confused. Why would they want me at their party?

After that announcement Natasha pulled me aside "I think I know how to find out your birthday" she said, I smiled a little "how?"

"Well- it'll take a little convincing but... we'll have to go to Russia where your adoptive dad is in the jail"

"He's in jail?"

"He was blackmailed" "same thing happened with my parents" She said before bringing me to the elevator.

We went to that big technological room. "You were born in Kasomiv, there's 2 hospitals there. When we go to Russia we will go see your father, then we will go to the hospitals" Natasha showed a picture of his mugshot and the prison name.

Reddie called Tony and Steve to the room "we want to figure out her birthday and more about her powers, you guys can come as well" Reddie said while giving Tony a look "uh- ya sure you guys can go, I'll ask who wants to go as well"

We packed a few bags and put them in the Quinnjet. Bucky, Tony, Steve, Blondie, Reddie, Clint, and Natasha's parents had came with us.

"Are we escaping him from jail?" I asked Reddie "no, not until we go visit him first" I looked down at the floor, I really wanted to help him escape i missed him.

A few hours later we landed and got out and went to a hotel area.

Later we went to the prison, Reddie and Blondie were with me. We arrived at the prison called 'white swan prison' I was a little thrown off by the name.

We walked in, went through an electrical scanner, they took their weapons off of them and went through it as well. We waited in a line before being able to go in to see Leonid.

"I haven't had visitors in years" he had a stronger Russian accent then I remembered "Hi leonid" I smiled at him.

A big smile grew on his face "Phoenix!" He was shocked to see me, he stood up and was aistershook.

I stood up and gave him a hug, he squeezed me "wow, you've never given me a hug" he said softly "Reddie told me what a hug was" I said while breaking the hug.

"It's her nickname for me" Natasha smiled a little "I'm Blondie" Yelena raised her hand. "Why did you guys come here?" He asked while we sat back down.

"We are trying to figure out her birthday and also learn more about her powers" Reddie said "do you know what hospital she was born at?"

"Susïha memorial" "I think... no maybe that was Danya- no I think it was Nix, ya she was born there" he was looking up at the ceilings.

"Are you guys letting me go?" He asked "we can't" Blondie stated

"Why not"

"Because... your death date is less than a month away" Blondie said quietly

"What" my face went pale and I looked at Yelena. "I'm sorry Phoenix Novikov" She put a hand on shoulder but I backed away from it.

"I will be out of here soon Nix don't worry, and then we can be a family again" he gave me a smirk and it kinda looked evil-

We left and went to that hospital, I was quiet the whole time "I'm sorry Phoenix" Natasha grabbed my hand and squeezed it, I moved it way kinda confused.

"I'm just comforting you, it's ok" I nodded confused why they are so nice to me, I don't deserve any of their caring or effort.

Natasha's POV

We got out of the car and went inside the hospital, surprisingly it wasn't packed. I walked up to the front desk and her eyes went wide when she saw me "Мне нужна услуга (I need a favor)" she nodded "есть ли файл 2028 года с именем Новиков? Это было бы досье о рождении (is there a file from 2028 that has the name Novikov? It would be a birth file)"

She got up and went into another room to check for something, I looked back
while tapping my fingers on the counter, Yelena was talking with Phoenix while showing her a magazine. Phoenix looked amused, I felt bad for the poor girl. She never got a childhood because of the red room- she barely even knows anything in the real world due to them.

I like her though, it feels like she's my actual kid and I feel like an actual mother. I've always wanted children but due to red room 'graduation' I never got that chance, I always try to care for everyone else to replace the urge to have a child.

I smiled at them before I saw the woman walk back "Феникс Артимовна Новикова, похищена HYDRA при рождении из-за гена мутанта, переданного от матери (Phoenix Artimovna Novikov, taken by HYDRA when born due to a mutant gene passed down from her mother)" I took the file and thanked her.

"Also, Black widow you should know her mothers death was not natural. I was there when it happened- that girl over there, she's the spitting image of her mother she isn't safe here or anywhere if hydra finds her again. Your best bet is killing her, she's powerful when mad and even more powerful when mind controlled" she said quietly in English with strong Russian accent.

We went back to hotel "Phoenix take this and how about you get a snack from the vending machine" I get her 2 dollars and she went down the hall.

"Her mother didn't die from birth" I turned to the team "what?" Steve was confused "the lady at the desk told me the mothers death was not natural death, Phoenix is really powerful. Hydra was building up her anger and powers"

Everyone was speechless "the lady there saw what they did to her mother- Phoenix is the spitting image of her mother"

"So she's not safe anywhere?" Bucky asked "no, no she's not"

They sighed and took the file from my hands, Phoenix came back with a mellow yellow and starbursts "I don't know what these are but they look good" she smiled at me, and I chuckled.

Tony looked through the file "what did my mom look like" Phoenix asked while eating the candy, Tony handed her a photo "you look like her"

She smiled and looked at the photo with watery eyes "your mother was a witch?" Steve asked "what?" Phoenix was confused "your mother had powers- she worked for Hydra as a experiment but escaped before she had you"

"So I got my powers since I was born?" She looked sad "ya... that's why your so powerful"

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