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Nat's POV

Me and Yelena went to Omsk looking for any signs of the girl, we had a picture of her from the security cameras. We knew she was clearly powerful, but she was more scared than anything. We went around asking people if they've seen the girl. We walked into hotels, stores, gas stations, cafes, restaurants but no one has seen her.

We walked into this gas station about halfway through the town, "Ты видел эту девушку"-have you seen this girl Yelena asked. the lady looked like she saw a ghost but shook her head side to side "пожалуйста, сообщите нам, если у вас есть она в опасности"-please tell us if you have, she's in danger I said while sighing. "прошлой ночью она пришла и получила еду и воду." -last night she came in and got food and water. "указала ли она свое имя?"- Did she state her name?" "Phoenix Novikov" she walked over to the main door and flipped the open sign to closed. (They speaking Russian)

"Did she do you anything" Yelena had asked while walking over to her "well she ate some food and water without paying, when I handed her money, it was like she didn't know what it was." She moved her hands around in frustration and concern.

"Did she tell you anything?" Yelena also asked "I asked her where her parents were, and she said 'he's dead' asked her where she was coming from. She said, 'Red room' but didn't know where it was, just that it had something to do with the sky" My heart sunk for that pour girl, she probably went in younger than me and Yelena did, meaning she wasn't even used to walking on the sidewalk outside.

"She also had an injury" she continued "Did she say who caused it?" I asked, "Bad guys" she walked back to the cashier "Bad guys?" Yelena cocked her head "Ya, that's all she said. Wait who even are you guys" She definitely wasn't good at keeping secrets. "Yelena Belova and Natasha Romanoff" I said, "Like black widow" She smiled "Ya" i said with a slight smile.

"Thank you" We said while walking out of the store "Oh! I also gave her a bag, food, and water" She smiled, and we smiled back.

We got onto the bike "She thinks Shield is the bad guys" I said "Brainwashed" Yelena said while sitting down "Wonder if she got the red dust brainwash stuff before the others" Yelena continued "It seems like she did, that could've been the only way she escaped". We got back to the hotel and reported the information to Fury. We now had her name which helped.

Fury's POV

After Romanoff gave me a name me and Hill went to do a background check. "JARVIS do background check on Phoenix Novikov" The AI was silent for a few minutes. "Phoenix Novikov was born in 2028, in Kasimov Russia. Her parents Ira Orlova died shortly after giving birth. Her father is Armani Novikov he died 3 months before her birth. She was adopted by Dula Chekhov and Leonid Chekhov. in 2032 Dula died from death, Leonid is currently in a Russian prison death row for HYDRA and spy crimes. She went missing after that." I sent the information to Romanoff and Belova.

I called Barnes and Barton; they are going to Russia to help the assassins.

Nat's POV again

After we left the gas station we continued asking around, someone had said she went into the woods. We went into the woods to find a treehouse that was clearly used recently, we walked up the ladder, it wasn't very sturdy but we did see signs of someone being here recently. We marked the location down and kept moving forward.

About a mile up the road a homeless man said she got onto a bus. "знаете ли вы, куда он шел?»-Do you know where it was going Yelena asked "Восток"-East.

We walked east a little so see if anyone knew what town it was going to but no one knew anything. We decided to go back to the hotel to grab our stuff and go east. When we got there Bucky and Clint were sitting right next to the door "Took you guys long enough" Bucky said while standing up "What the hell are you guys doing here" I asked "Fury sent us to help"

I unlocked the door and let them in "Got any leads?" Clint asked, "She stopped at a gas station, she was trained to think Shield are the bad guys" Yelena said, "Did she get the red dust before the others" Bucky asked "That's what we're thinking." We packed our bags "We're going east, she got on a bus to an eastern town but what town we don't know" I said before walking out the door.

The boys followed us, I gave the key cards to the desk person, and we got on our motorcycles.

Phoenix's POV

I was awoken by an old lady shaking me saying we arrived, i thanked her and walked off. I've never heard of the town Tyumen but figured I'd look around for a place to eat. I found a small cafe that looked trustworthy, I walked in and looked at the items on the screen. (Russian convo)"Hello what can i get you" "What's a frap chino?" I asked, she looked at me confused "It's a cold coffee, do you want one devochka?" She looked at me like i was an idiot.

"Yes please" "that'll be ₽3 ($0.04)" I gave her a ₽10 ($0.16) and went where everyone else was waiting. A few minutes later a beige and white drink was handed to me with a straw. I put the straw in and took a sip, my eyes went wide, and I hummed in delight, this tasted AMAZING.

I walked out while drinking it. I needed food for my stomach, I walked around for a few minutes. I had seen a dude on the street playing guitar. I joined the crowd and watched him play, he had an amazing voice and skills. I finished my drink and went to a Vkusno i Tochka, I walked inside, and it smelt like cooked potatoes. "Hello welcome to Vkusno I Tochka what would you like today?" I was overwhelmed by all the options on the screen. "Chicken nuggets?" i cocked my head. He laughed "you've never had them before have you" i shook my head, I wasn't the best with talking to people.

"Can i get that please" I grabbed a ₽5 ($0.081) "You'll love them devochka" He smiled at me, and I smiled back.

2 minutes later I got my food, I sat down and ate one. I was confused at first but when the flavor really hit me, they tasted delicious. I tried a yellow straw in a white box, it tasted like potatoes and was salty but good.

I ate at a normal speed to enjoy the taste, I would have to get more water soon, I need to be careful on spending money though, I don't know where to get more. I was almost done with my meal when I saw 2 motorcycles outside with that redhead and blondie on one and this metal armed dude on the other. My eyes grew wide, i shoved the last chicken nugget in my mouth and tried to hide but they must've seen me because they came running inside.

I went running out of another door but this dude with short dirty blonde hair had stopped me. I kicked him in the leg and threw fire at him, he yelled while trying to put out the fire. The blondie started chasing after me and I was running faster than ever.

She caught up with me and tackled me to the ground, She Pinned my arms to the ground, I kicked my legs up and put them around her waist before throwing her to the ground. She grabbed my leg when I stood up making me fall back over, we had a lil battle for a while but i soon froze her foot to the ground "Wait Phoenix" She yelled, I stopped and looked at her confused, how did she know my name?

"Look we're trying to help you, we aren't the bad guys you are in danger" Dreykov had always told me the bad guys were manipulative and would say 'we want to help you' but they were lying "Your lying, you are the bad guys. you're going to take me back and brainwash me again" I said before running off.

1442 words

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