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Natasha's POV

Phoenix aka the red widow was still unconscious while Anya was waking up, we had put them into separate cells.

Anya fully woke up, 2 guards dragged her out into an interrogation room.

"I'm not talking to her" Tony backed up in fear "pussy" I scoffed "language" Steve gave me a look, I rolled my eyes and walked in "Anya Kez also known as the Green widow" I sat down across from her.

She stayed quiet. "Close your eyes" I broke the red dust container I front of her "what the fuck!" She yelled while squinting, her eyes were turning red from the dust and she was mad.

"Why didn't it work" I turned around to look through the 2 way mirror. Kez started yelling in Russian and I yelled back at her to quiet down. She scoffed "where is Yaroslav" I leaned towards her.

"F*ck you" she spit at me, I resisted the urge to stab her and wiped my cheek.

I tried to get her to talk but couldn't crack her, Steve and Thor grabbed her and dragged her back to her cell, While they were walking her Anya kicked Steve in the leg before grabbing his gun and hitting Thor in the head.

She beat down both of the men and before Steve could reach her she put the gun under her chin "hail HYDRA" she shot her self.

Steve closed his eyes in sadness and so did the others, I sighed and called aecurity to move the body.

I went to check on Phoenix, she was awake and humming a familiar tune, it was a tune we were taught to calm ourselves down in the red room.

I still used it sometimes, Yelena and Carter used it as well. "Phoenix Novikov aka the Red Widow" I said after clicking the button to talk to her "yes?" She looked up at me "Anya Kez is dead" we locked eyes before she stood up.

"You killed my whole team" She hissed.

"No, she killed herself"

"For HyDRA"

"Hydra doesn't care about you"

"They gave me a home when no one else did"

"Your a young red-room assassin you don't know what a real home is"

"Yes I do" she slammed her hand on the glass "tone down the aggression" I almost yelled "let me go" she was mad. "We aren't going to hurt you"

"Then take these useless power cuffs off of me you monster!" Her eyes turned orange when She yelled "not until you calm down Novikov!" Fury appeared behind me

"Your loyal to HYDRA we get it but they don't give a damn about you" "but we do" Fury walked up to the glass, Phoenix scoffed "no one gives a damn about me, I'm a lone wolf"

Fury scoffed before calling Bucky and Steve. They handcuffed her and brought her to the interrogation center.

Bucky walked in with me "where is Yaroslav" I asked "I shall not give information regarding the whereabouts of my owner" She looked me directly into my eyes.

"He doesn't own you, you own yourself" Bucky looked her in the eyes. "I shall not give information regarding the whereabouts of my owner" she kept repeating.

"Phoenix Artimovna Novikov!" Bucky shouted while standing up, Phoenix flinched in fear a little but tried not to show it.

"Where. Is. Yaroslav." He repeated "hail hydra" she looked me and him directly into the eyes.

"Aren't you going to do that tooth thing?" I asked "we use bullets now, we eat it or shoot our brains" "and if I had access to a gun I would end myself without hesitation" I could see in her eyes she didnt mean that, she was being controlled.

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