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Phoenix's POV

After I left the food store, I walked around hoping to find some water, I found this place called a 'festival' and went inside the sections. there was these stands that were selling fruits, vegetables, collectables, and Water! Luckily my money had been in my pocket so i still had it even though it was a little wet. I handed the lady ₽1 ($0.016) and got a water, I jugged it down in less than 20 seconds and sighed in relief.

the next day when the sun started going down, I went back to Vkusno I Tochka to see Ruberto again. He smiled at me when I walked in. He sat down with me and handed me a black bag. I was confused at first but then opened it, it had water, snacks, and medical supplies. "спасибо Руберто"-thank you Ruberto I said, "you know we can speak English right?" he said with a chuckle.

"Oh, I didn't know you knew English" I laughed. We ate some food and talked about what had happened to me, I learned he had a girlfriend who was 20, her name was Natalia. Ruberto is 19 and was born in America but moved to Russia when he was adopted at the age of 2.

"You should get going Phoenix, it's almost 11, which is when we close" I nodded my head and stood up "Thank you again for the bag it means a lot" He smiled at me "I'm not working tomorrow but will Saturday be ok?" He asked me "Yes, that's perfect" He smiled and waved, I waved back and walked away.

Ruberto's POV

Phoenix came in around 7 pm which was when the sun usually set in August. I gave her the bag I had gotten her cause the Avengers took her other one. Her hair was still in those 2 French braids like the other days, but her hair was a little messier and it looked greasy. But i hardly doubt she cared; she was on the run.

I had learned a lot about her, and she learned a lot about me. She's 13, She was born in Russia, her parents died young, and she got adopted by these nice people, they died, and she went into the red room. She was quite an interesting child and I liked talking to her, she had an amazing personality. She didn't know what a lot of things were though, it was practically like she was in a prison for most of her life.

Around 10:40 she left so I could start closing, she agreed to see me again.

After I closed, I called Natasha and told her what had happened, she thanked me and hung up. I went home and told my girlfriend about the girl. "Pour girl" Natalia said with a sad smile "Ya" I had a sad voice; I went over and kissed her on the forehead before going to brush my teeth.

It's been about a week since I've been a double agent and I guess it's not that bad, but I just feel bad for Phoenix. I'm the first person she actually trusts and I'm betraying her like this. Natasha said in the last phone call that she's been hiding out in a warehouse. I really didn't want her to get caught by the avengers nor Hydra.

The next day when Phoenix came in, I got her some nuggets on the house again, she hadn't had them since our third meet. She thanked me and hummed in delightment when she ate one. "Just wait till you try chick-fil-a's chicken nuggets in America" I joked "Chick-fil-a?" she asked "oh Ya sorry its uhh... a fast-food place that only sells chicken and absolutely no cow, their very big on saving the cows" she nodded confusingly.

"Phoenix, you need to move locations" I whispered to her "What?" She sat up straight "The avengers know where you are" Her eyes went wide, and she shook her head scared.

Nix's POV

After I left Vkusno I Tochka I went to the abandoned warehouse and grabbed the blanket I had found in an alleyway. I ran out of the building and went to the other side of town just in case.

I found a little crumbled building that looked like construction workers wrecking balled it down. There was a room that was almost still in contact so i settled in there, just for the night. I'd have to go on the move every other night.

After about 30 minutes of looking at the stars and trying to figure out which constellations is which I fell asleep. A Woman had taught us about earth and space science. We might have been raised to be assassins but that doesn't mean we weren't educated. We were very smart and knew a lot of history o everything.

In the morning when I woke up, I noticed it was really dark outside, even though the sun was high in the sky about 2/6 way up meaning it was probably around 8 AM. There was thunder meaning a storm was coming. I loved watching storms in the red room, in the room we shared there was 2 windows and whenever it rained, I was the only one who just sat and watched the rain and lightning.

A lot of times the alarms went off and we shook, I never knew why till i discovered we were IN THE FREAKING SKY! I thought we were just in a high building cause that's what the guards and trainers said.

I got up and walked to a gym that was down the road, I snuck into it and took a shower, washed my hair, brushed it with a comb i found hoping it didn't have Lice and re did the braids. I hated the braids, but all the widows needed to have their hair in French braids during missions, they gave me a headache and hurt to take out.

963 words

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