side job

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Nat's POV

Me and Bucky had found her bag inside next to where she was sitting. Clint had ran after Yelena, we grabbed her bag and ran to where Yelena was. She was a little bloody and was frozen to the ground. Bucky went running in the direction of Phoenix.

I broke the ice with my knife, and she told me what happened "She knows Dreykov was a bad guy but is stuck with the false memories" Clint said. Bucky came back a few minutes later panting, "No trace of her, she just vanished" he said

We walked through the woods for about 2 hours but didn't even find a single footprint of hers, we went back to the place "If that girl comes back call me" I handed him my number and he looked like he saw a ghost.

We went back to our bikes and went further down the road hoping the woods would lead to a road. We figured she would come back for her bag, so we didn't get a hotel room quite yet.

Nix's POV

I ran up into a tree about after half a mile to catch my breath. I saw metal arm run past me; I held my hand over my mouth to block my breathing.

30 minutes later he pasted me again disappointed he didn't find me. After they were fully out of sight i waited another 30 minutes, I got out of the tree and booked it. I didn't want to go too far because I would have to go get my bag but if i went too soon, they would grab me. basic skills on how not to get caught by killers.

When it started to get dark and freezing, I grabbed some sticks to make a fire, I lighted my finger and put it on the frozen sticks. It took a few tries, but I finally got it started. All night I could hear wolves howling, birds chirping, bears growling, and Deer's walking. About 40 minutes later I fell asleep on the ground, using my arm as a pillow.

I woke up around Dawn to see white flakes falling onto my face, it was so cold I felt like an iceberg. It was only august, but it always snows in August due to being in North part of Russia. I got up wiping the snow off of me and heating my hands up a little with my pyrokinesis, I walked through the woods a little more hoping to find a road but when I didn't, I turned back around to go get my bag.

I marked a symbol on the ground about every 200 meters so i knew where my last location was so I didn't get lost. The snow will probably cover it but whatever, not like I left money under ground. I got close to the Vkusno I Tochka but went into a tree to hide out till later, you never know when they Finna come back.

a while later I went in and that same guy from yesterday was there. He smiled at me before grabbing his phone and calling someone. I went to the area I sat at, but my bag wasn't there. "Они забрали мою сумку?»-Did they take my bag? he nodded his head yes "извините, девочка"-sorry girl. I sighed and left. He stopped me right before I left (Russian convo) "How about you get some more nuggets, it's on the house" He smiled.

I cocked my head "On the house?" I looked up to make sure there wasn't anything above me. He chuckled "It's free" I had a moment of realization and accepted.

I got my nuggies and was about to walk out "Hey Devochka what's your name?" He walked up to me outside "Phoenix" he smiled "I'm Ruberto" I put my hand out for a handshake and he shook it "What are you doing all alone you're just a child and why were the Avengers chasing you?" My heart sunk into my stomach "Avengers? I thought they were Shield. Oh no that makes them even more dangerous" He looked confused "I have to go, by Mr. Ruberto" "oh ok- Come back tomorrow night" He yelled. I put a thumbs up and he went back inside.

Nat's POV

We had gotten a call from Ruberto the worker, He said she came back looking for her bag. We got there as fast as we could, we sat down to talk to him, Phoenix wasn't there which was ok, We had a plan. "Do you know English?" I asked in English. He shook his head yes.

"Did you talk to her?" Clint asked "Ya, I offered her some nuggets on the house, and we introduced each other" he said while taking a sip of his Pepsi. "Is she going to come back" Yelena ate her French fries after asking. "Ya tomorrow night. She agreed to come" "Good" Yelena said "She most likely will trust you pretty easily, so we kind of need you to be a double agent" I said

"Double agent?" He said "Yes" Bucky stated "wowwowwow slow down, so you want me to gain her trust and get to know her then report everything to you guys" He was processing all of the information. We all shook our heads and he sighed. "Why are you even trying to get her, she said you guys were dangerous and was clearly scared of you all" "Wait- hold on what exactly did she say" Bucky put his hand out in a line and hit it on the table.

"I asked why the Avengers were chasing her, she looked like she saw a ghost them muttered 'Avengers, I thought they were shield. Uh oh that makes them even more dangerous' than she ran off" Me and Yelena looked at each other confused. "She was... umm trained to think Shield and Avengers are bad people. But she was being manipulated by the actual bad guys and now the ad guys are looking for her and we have to get her before they do" It was kind of hard for me to explain it but i did.

"Fine I'll do it, just as long as she is safe and you don't hurt her" "Thank you Ruberto" Me and Yelena said while getting up "After you guys meet call us and sum up what happened" Clint said, Ruberto nodded then went back to work.

We got 2 hotel rooms and rested for a little before calling Tony to see if he could get us a tracker to put on her.

1085 words

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