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Phoenix's POV

"Are you going to behave" that Captain America dude asked while holding a card to unlock the door "possibly" I said "that's what the cuffs are for" he snickered before unlocking the door and dragging me out. Little did he know the cuffs so nothing, I can't use my powers on team missions.

I tried to bite him and he hit me in the head like I was a rogue dog. He took me to that interrogation room again and sat me down in a chair. Blondie and redhead walked in.

"Nice to see your behaving" redhead said with a slight smile. I was quiet for a little "how come you know my name but I don't know yours" I said quickly while looking up at them.

They sighed "I'm Natasha Romanoff and this is my sister Yelena Belova" I nodded my head "I'd introduce my self but it seems you already know everything about me" I hissed.

"We're just going to ask the normal, where is Yaroslav" Yelena asked "I don't know, he's probably out of the states by now" 

"Where would he go" she asked "Europe, Russia, Germany, Pakistan, Blah blah blah all those countries to get more teams" I rolled my eyes and put my head back.

"Does he know your alive" Redhead Romanoff asked "possibly he could've followed my tracker"


"It's implanted in me"


"Not sure but my ride should be here soon" I smiled and slid my hands out of the handcuffs again with dislocated thumbs and bloody wrists.

"Agents, we have a destruction in the gate" A brown haired person said "Barton watch her" Yelena said before they both got up and ran.

I smirked and laughed a little before a dude with a bow walked in. "Don't think about escaping" he sat down and sighed.

"I won't be escaping someone will be doing it for me" I smirked again, there was an explosion that made the whole building shake.

"Code red Evacuation I repeat code red evacuation" the speakers were blaring.

I had just about gotten the cuffs off when Legolas came and grabbed me "dammit kid" he muttered before moving the cuffs up and getting a napkin from his pocket and wiped the blood away. I growled at him (I'm not a furry chillax)

He dragged me outside by the cuffs and put me in a truck, I saw Kovilis fighting before he got shot "no!" I screamed and tried to run but Legolas had a grip on the chains. I kicked him in the nuts making him let me go.

I ran out of the truck and kicked an agent who was holding Kovilis. I hit them and head butted them, Kovilis got free and grabbed me "Что Ты сказал (what did you tell)" he asked in Russian "nothing"

"Hail HYDRA you liar" he grabbed a gun and pointed it at my head.

Before he pulled the trigger he was shot in the stomach with an arrow "hail shield you bitch"

While agents came and dragged him away while Legolas dragged me back to the truck, I cooperated and was kinda in shock.

"He was going to kill me" I muttered "they don't give a damn about you" he said "why?" I looked at him. "Your just... you a weapon to them" he sighed

"but they love me"

"They manipulate and control you"

"Ya but they... they help"

"No... not they don't, they are bad"

I looked down and sighed. The truck started moving and I felt almost sad?

No I never feel sad, we lose people everyday all the time. Just get over it!

Clint's POV

We were in the truck for an hour, Phoenix didn't talk or even move the whole time I felt bad for her but she could just be playing a game right now. We need to figure out how to get her out of the mind control, the red dust didn't work, there's no chemical in her blood, hitting her in the head didn't work, nothing is working. And she's not like how Nat was when she was controlled, she is in control of her actions and that but not her emotions or killings.

She did mention a tracker though, we're going to Wakanda to run tests on her and help her.

The truck stopped later, Shield agents open the door and dragged her out and injected her with anesthesia.

They took her to a room and T'challa came up to me "the rest are on their way with Kovilis" We bro hugged. "Is Natasha's parents coming" T'challa wanted Melina and Alexia to help because Melina did mind control on pigs or what ever.


"She has fluid in brain as well as a chip in her neck" Shuri showed us the X rays. ""I haven't even had access to that tech HYDRA made" Melina was stunned a little

"They would've told me if they were making a new red room area and mind control" "Do they know your working with shield as well though" Nat asked "not that I know of" Melina shrugged.

"We need to remove the chip from her" T'challa chimes in "and take out the fluids in her blood"

"Anyone have a medical degree?" T'challa asked "nope" we all said.

"We can just hope for the best" Alexia shrugged and stood up with Yelena "if you kill her I kill you" I eyed Alexia.

Melina, T'challa, Yelena, and Nat went to her while we got sent out to Shuri "my brother will make sure she stays alive" she assured us.


We've been talking to Fury on a hologram for about an hour, he has no updates in the leaders and Kovilis refuses to talk.

"Yaroslav is wanted in 42 countries and is off the grid we either find him now or never" Fury hung up.

"Why is Phoenix so important?" Shuri asked "she's very powerful and is also the only lead we have to Yaroslav" I said.

"Why aren't the other avengers out looking in the sky for invisible planes" Shuri flailed her hand "Air Force will notify us if they detect unknown shielded aircraft's" Alexia said.

"The fluid is draining and the chip is out" Yelean came in, sat down and sighed before putting her head down "she's alive also" she looked at me.

I went to go see her and she was still out cold but stable and pale. She still had those power cuffs on, the thing is is that her hands are almost blue and orange like she's holding back power right now.

Melina noticed as well and checked her pupils, when she saw them she jumped back and so did I. Her eyes were redorange.

1224 words

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