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Nix's POV 2 days later

I had found a town, it seemed like a small town but i wasn't sure. I walked on the sidewalk getting soaked by the rain, there was a gas station sign ahead of me, so I went there. I walked to the food Aisle and saw some butterbrodi and opened the bag, I ate it and hummed in relief. I hadn't eaten or drank in nearly 4 days.

"вы должны заплатить за эту девочку»-you have to pay for that girl. the girl behind the cashier said. I gave her a confused look she looked back at me confused as well (Their speaking Russian in this convo) "Where are your parents Devochka?" "He died" I grabbed a water and jugged it down in less that 20 seconds. "Well, you can't be out here alone" she looked concerned, "I'm not alone, your here" I smiled at her before I grabbed a gauze for a deep wound on my stomach "What happened!" She rushed over to me while grabbing the gauze and unwrapping it "Bad people" i said with a yawn.

"What's your name honey?" she put some ointment on it and I winced "Phoenix Novikov" I grabbed another Butterbrodi and ate it. "Where are you coming from?" she asked after she finished putting the gauze on. "Red Room" she looked confused "What town is that in?" I shrugged and took another bite "I don't know if there are towns in the air" she looked flabbergasted.

"I can't stay for long it's not safe" I said while grabbing another water "Here at least take a bag and some supplies" She handed me a bag, she went to grab some water, gauzes, Butterbrodi's and a few different snacks. "And here's some money" She handed me a white and purple paper with a dude on it. I gave her a confused look "Money, you need it for food" I nodded my head before taking it and putting it in the bag pocket.

I gave her a smile before running out "Stay safe Phoenix" I heard her say. I ran down the street getting soaked again, my training suit was tight, so it felt weird when wet. I found this little abandoned tree house and crawled into it. I used my bag as a pillow and tried to fall asleep.

Nat's POV

Me and Yelena got a hotel room, we would have to stay here for as long as it takes to find this girl. My phone began to ring when i took off my boots; it was Fury calling, I rolled my eyes while answering it and putting it on speaker. "Romanoff, Belova what's your statis on the widow" "she attacked 4 men at the train stop, 3 are dead and one severely injured" "Shield found the other widows, they were dead even before the crash" "What do you mean they were dead before the crash?" Yelena asked,

"I'm assuming Dreykov, they were poisoned" "But how did the fourth escape" "That's your job to find out, the three deceased had powers. One had electricity and magnetic powers, the other had super strength and flight, the third one had invisibility and force field"

"Did they have names?" I asked, "they were labeled by the last name like the rest" "We know the widow has fire powers, but what else could she have" Yelena said "I don't know but you guys need to find her ASAP, Russia may just depend on it" he hung up after that. I sighed and looked for close by towns to the train station.

"She can't be older than 15" I said "Meaning she probably still learning how to control her powers" Yelena showed me a town called Omsk. "we'll go in the morning; we had a long week" Yelena agreed. We laid down on our beds and fell asleep.

Nix's Dream third person

Phoenix, Aubrey, Izabela, and Dunya were getting ready to do a ballet training session when Dreykov came in searching for Dunya "Dunya sweetheart come here" Dreykov said "y-yes sir" Dunya had long black hair, brown eyes, and a strong Russian accent. He waved for her to follow him, they walked into the elevator.

The guards took the other 3 girls to the ballet room, they had heard faint screams from upstairs but whenever they reacted the guards yelled. 10 minutes into the lesson, Dunya came back with a stiched forehead, she joined us and was slightly crying.

Those beatings were their punishments for when they weren't learning it the correct way or did something wrong. There used to be about 15 mutants but the other 11 had died from training, missions, or the punishments.

Later that night Dreykov came back again, but this time asking for Phoenix. They went up the elevator and into a room. he was holing a taser stick. "Heard you weren't trying in ballet and archery" Dreykov said while walking around the scared 9 year old. "i-im sorry sir" "Sorry won't cut it, what if the Avengers or Shield were to come and attack you. you would've died!" he yelled before hitting Phoenix in the back with the weapon.

She screamed in pain every time she got hit, she cried out "what if that was a mission!" he lifted her chin "I would be dead" Phonex mumbled "now you will never be a shitty mess on purpose again will you" He hit her when she didn't answer "NO! No sir" she cried out "Good girl"

Nix's POV

I woke up with a jolt panting and sweating. I calmed myself down before grabbing some water and drinking it. I grabbed my bag and climbed down to the ground; it wasn't raining anymore which was good, but it was freezing.

I walked through the woods a little bit hoping i'll be able to find another town or possibly a train or bus i could stow away in. After about an hour I was able to find a bus. Tickets were ₽5($0.08) I gave the driver the ₽50($0.82) and he gave me ₽45 ($0.73) back. I took a seat; the speaker said the ride would be 3 hours to Tyumen. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes thinking about where i could go after I get to Tyumen.

I was always scared of Shield and the Avengers growing up, but now I have to face them, I have to face my fear and become their worst fear. I am going to be someone the world will never forget. you take away my family, I take away yours.

1093 words

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