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Thank you for 1K reads!!! I didn't think this book would get that far cause it's kinda crappy Lmao but thank you to all of you!!

Tony's POV

Phoenix had been out under strict security and she couldn't leave the tower, she hasn't shown any hate towards it but she's kinda upset she's not aloud to see her adoptive father.

Me and Pete were working in the lab together when I got a call "ya Nat what's up" "can Phoenix hang with you for a few hours- me and Yelena have to uh... you know settle something"
"I have the kid with me Nat, what if she hurts him"
"Tony she won't she's been getting better, she had a juice box this morning- and plus Peter gets grumpy without juice boxes either maybe they'll get along"
"I get that but Nat you can't j-"
"Thanks tony we're in the elevator right now"

She hung up and I sighed. "Someone's coming up here, she's two years younger than you, but I think you'll get along" I turned to Pete.

"What's her name?" He asked while putting two wires together "Phoenix, she's Russian. And don't mention anything about the red room" he nodded a little confused but then realized she was from the red room.

"Hey Tony, hey Малыш паук" Peter smiled and looked at Phoenix.

"Peter this is Phoenix, Phoenix this is Peter. You'll be great friends, I have to go now" Nat rushed out the door.

"Hello" Phoenix said while fidgeting with her hands "know any science?" I asked while patting her shoulder "ya" she nodded and I guided her to a table.

"Peter show her the basics- unless you already know them" she looked around at the table and picked up a red wire.

She tinkered with some objects before making a light "where did you find that magnet! I've been looking for that all week!" My mouth dropped a little and I looked around.

"It was under the table, the tables magnetic..." she chuckled a little. I rolled my eyes and gave her a high five "good job kid, seems you two will get along just fine"

Peter showed Phoenix some stuff, I have to admit nix was very smart and really creative. I don't know how she had time to learn dance, sports, fighting, every school subject, and more in just one day- that had to be at least 20 hours worth of work not including breaks and food.

Wait- did they get breaks? I shook my head starting to get the thoughts of the red room out of my head, I melded a part of the iron man suit before going back to Peter and Phoenix.

They were laughing and Peter was talking. "Hey Mr stark" Peter said "hey kid, good to know your both still alive" I let out a breath and Phoenix laughed "good to know everyone's still alive" she muttered and Peter held back a laugh.

About an hour later I had to go to a meeting with Peter "Phoenix you know Clint right?" "Legolas?" She asked "ya- Legolas" i snickered, glad to know I wasn't the only one who knew him from game of thrones. "I have to go to a meeting with Peter so you'll be with Legolas" I guided her to the elevator and brought her to the gaming room where Clint and Late were playing games.

"Hey Tony" Kate said "hey, Clint I'm dropping off Phoenix, Nat wanted me to watch her but I have a meeting. Thanks!" I sped walked away "but-" Clint started before sighing.

Clint's POV

"Phoenix this is Kate, Kate this is Phoenix" I said, they waved at each other. "Are you Legolas 2.0?" Phoenix asked "sure?" Kate chuckled "Robinhood it is" Phoenix shrugged and hummed before sitting down in a spinny chair and spinning.

"Ever played Mario Lart?" I asked "Mario Kart? Like Mario from Shper Mario Bros?" She asked while cocking her head "ya!" I smiled "I've seen them but I've never heard of Mario kart"

I handed her a controller and showed her the controls "it's pretty simple, just keep in mind you can't beat me" I whispered the ending to her with a smirk and she giggled. She seemed so innocent but has gone through so much. Too much.

We played a few rounds and she beat Kate once and ALMOST beat me- but I guess you can't beat the best.

Kate grabbed some ice cream after and we watched princess diaries- she dragged me into watching it so Phoenix could learn about it "so is this like Vampire Diaries?" Phoenix asked Kate.

"Take the vampires and all the supernatural people and make them human and royal" Kate said. Phoenix looked like her brain had a stroke "no one in here is hot enough to replace Stefan" she said before taking a big scoop of ice cream.

"Damon is hotter"


"What about Caroline, she has such an amazing personality"

"She's going through a lot of pain, she masks it with niceness which gets her hurt even more" Kate looked at Nix like Nix knew all the answers to life.

"Are you ok?" She asked "I think- I mean I'm alive so that's good" Nix shrugged. Kate chuckled before high-fiving.


Around midnight the girls were asleep and Nat had just came back "oh thank gosh" I said while Tasha and Yelena walked in. "She didn't kill anyone right?" Yelena whispered. "Not that I know of" I shrugged.

Phoenix's POV

around a week later I was hanging out with Peter and playing just dance on the Nintendo switch thingy.

We got tired and sat down "I'm staying the weekend so maybe tomorrow we can film tiktoks together" he smiled at me "tiktoks? Kate mentioned that to me is it a social media?"

"Yep! And it's amazing" he chuckled and so did i. "Do you have a phone?" Peter asked "no" I shook my head before grabbing some Gatorade for us.

"I'll be back" he got up and went to the elevator, I shrugged.

A few minutes later he came back with Reddie. "Everyone's phone number is already in it, don't post your name on any socials and tell us when you download Snapchat or insta" she handed me a phone.

"Peter what did you do?" I asked "I got you tiktok" he smiled, I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you" I hugged Nat as well before taking it. "Peter can show you how to use it" she yawned and gave Peter a death stair.

"Don't wake me up again unless someone's dying" she walked away. "We won't use your real name for your account but I will make you one saying your related to... uh- Kate! Your related to Kate now!" He out Phoenix Biship.

He texted Kate on his phone as well.

He showed me how to use everything and who Siri was. He also made the first tiktok video. Apparently Peter was like famous or something for knowing the avengers and being Starks personal intern.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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