Finders keepers

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Clint's POV

We followed the tracker to where we found it on the ground with a note. It was something in Russian, I showed it to Nat and Bucky and they looked mad. "What did it say?" I asked "F*ck you, that's what it said" Bucky grabbed the tracker and started walking again.

It started to snow soon after and it was getting really bad. Luckily we had winter coats in so we weren't that cold but I was more concerned for the kid. She was out there all alone with no coat or anything, except for her fire abilities.

10 minutes later we had heard a whistle like noice, almost like the noice a tranquilizer gun makes without a silencer. We ran towards the noice, there was another one and a slight scream but it was really far.

We ran and ran through the very thick snow and found a tranquilizer shot in the snow, further ahead was her bag and a bloody Trank. "Dammit" I muttered under my breath, we saw a helicopter flying, I took my bow and shot at it. It just got shredded by the blades -_-

We ran like idiots trying to follow the heli but we soon lost it through the trees.

We ran back to our bikes and went the direction of where the helicopter went. I was behind Nat so I called Fury to get us back up. "Update Barton?" "She was caught by Hydra! We're following the heli" there was a lot of wind and engine noises in the call "we need back up!" I yelled into the phone "don't lose that aircraft or I swear to God" he was talking to Jarvis away from the phone. "Will try not to" I hung up and told Nat to speed up.

We were following it for quite a while until it went over water. Nat muttered in Russian while trying to find a boat. Bucky had ran up to these people who were starting their boat "Мы преследуем врагов, нам нужна лодка" -we're following enemies, we need boat. No clue what he said but the next thing I know is Bucky calling us onto the boat where those Four people were.

The older man started the Boat and I took over on driving it. The helicopter kept getting further and further away but I could still see it. The boat was going as fast as possible but needed to go faster. "We're loosing the Heli" I yelled.

I saw Nat looking around for something "the flares" Yelena said. "Clint you have the best aim, I'll steer" Nat took over the wheel and I aimed the gun at the helicopter when I got a steady eye on it.

I hit the back propeller and they went down a little, the side door on the right opened and this guy with a mask had a machine gun. He started shooting at us "take cover!" Bucky yelled at the citizens.

They turned and we lost view of the heli "everyone ok" I asked "да» the family of 4 said. Nat nodded her head yes while brushing hair out of her face, we brought the boat back to shore for the people and thanked them while we went back to the hotel.

Now the worst part is we have to tell Fury that we lost the Heli...

I grabbed my phone and hesitantly called him and put him on speaker "got the Heli Barton?" "No they shot at us and lost it" "dammit" he muttered. "Stark, Maximoff's, Rhodes, and Wilson should be coming soon"he continued "any leads at least" "they were heading towards Moscow, that's the only lead" "start looking" he then hung up.

Nix's POV

I slowly woke up with my eyes fluttering, I was in a big room. I moved my arms but soon realized I was chained down to a table, my legs were as well. I had that power blocker collar on, there was also an IV connected to me.

"Good your awake?" A doctor with a lab coat came walking in. "How'd you get me? Who do you work with? Shield? Avengers? FBI?" I kept questioning him with fear and panic "no,no,no we don't work with them, we work with Hydra" he had a Russian accent.

"Why am I chained up?" "Because you were a bad girl, and you know what happens to bad children" he walked over and grabbed a shot with this blue liquid in it. "No no no! I'm sorry! No!" I kept screaming and crying out.

"This may hurt a little Novikov" He walked over to me and inserted it into the IV tube, I screamed out and tried to hit and bite him. He laughed and scoffed at my efforts, darkness started to fill my eyes and I felt very nauseous and dizzy "this may hurt a little" He said again before everything went black once again.

I woke up to hearing beeping, I don't know what happens but I felt sick and I was in so much pain. Unbearable pain. "Let me go!" I yelled at a guard near the door. He talked into the radio but everything around me was muffled "hello?? Are you deaf! I said let. Me. Go." He rolled his eyes and that Dr and 2 other guards walked in.

"Shut iT" he ripped the IV out of me and grabbed a knife. "Let me go!" I yelled "one more word from you and I slit your throat" he held the knife right aver the collar. I nodded my head in fear.

"Now, tell me. Where did you get the serum Novikov" He was walking around with the knife. "Ion know what your talking about" I knew exactly what he was talking about. "Don't play dumb devochka" he put the knife up to my arm right above my cuts.

"I don't know what serum your talking about" I said while looking him in the eyes. "Should I add another cut to the collection" before I could even reapond he dragged the knife across my arm, I screamed in pain and yelled for him to stop.

"Tell me!" He yelled. "From One of the girls!" I yelled. "Who!" He stabbed the knife in my left thigh. "Ingrid" I said through sobs. He unchained me, the guards dragged me to this room and sat me in a chair. "Don't move." A tall blonde guard said.

Dr dude grabbed the brainwash tech. That I had in the red room before I got the red dust. "Think you can escape, we'll start another army starting with you." He hooked the widow bites on my hands and I was thrashing around while 2 guards were holding me down.

He inserted this big needle into my neck and I was out in seconds.

1140 words

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