Related to WHO?!

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I couldn't get past the fact my mother was a witch- hell I can't even get past the fact I may even be a witch!

"Well if she was a witch then her ansesters have a history then" Reddie added "look for files of Novikov on the SHIELD data base, see if it says anything about powers or even witches"

Tony went online and searched up my last name, I had to spell it for him. "The only result is her mother and grand parents" Tony sighed "what about the fathers side" Natasha asked while walking up to tony.

"Nothing on the fathers side, he was an experiment on HYDRA that's all"

"Check Dasha's parents"

"Annabelle Novikov and Anton Novikov, father died 4 months before Dasha's birth"

"Annabelle Novikov, originally Kezzer was born in 1996, her father Ceylon died 2 months before birth" Tony looked at me confused.

"Didn't your father also die before you were born Phoenix" He asked, I shook my head while eating some more starbursts. "Is the whole family line Russian?" Stevey asked

"Uhhhh... Darcy Beckett, originally Harkness. She moved from Massachusetts to Russia when she met her love in Florida"

"Wait- Harkness?" Natasha asked "that sounds familiar, from one of Wanda's story from Westview" Natasha burrowed her eyebrows.

"Any siblings?" Yelena asked Tony. "Nope, she's an only child. The father was alive though" Tony hit the table excited that one of the dads didn't die.

"Who's the dad?" Alexia asked "Nicholas Scratch"

"Doesn't sound familiar" Natasha shook her head "wow... ummm that's strange" tony backed away confused.

"What?" Steve and Natasha walked back over "first off there's no death date for this dude and there's also no mother nor father listed here" everyone got confused.

"I'm gonna call Wanda" Natasha grabbed her phone.

Natasha's POV

I walked across the room and called Wanda, it rung a few times "Hey nat" she sounded happy "hey Wanda. Quick question, does the last name Harkness mean anything to you"

She went silent "did you say Harkness" she sounded like she saw a ghost "ya, is everyone okay?"

"As in Agatha Harkness" she asked "shit. The witch Agatha that tried to kill your kids"

"Ya, she disappeared somewhere"

"So she's still alive?"

"Yep" "did she have any children? Because one of Phoenix's ansesters line has the last name Harkniss, until they had a girl in Russia and it changed to Novikov"

"She mentioned a Nicholas... Nicholas S, it starts with an S"


"Yes! How'd you guess?"

"I didn't... Phoenix is a descendant of Agatha Harkness"

Wanda was at lost of words. She hung up and I walked back over to the group trying not ti show my fear on my face. Agatha is a very powerful villain, her family were all witches.

I pulled the team aside "Agatha Harkness, the one who tried to kill Wanda and her family" "and she's a descendant of her, Nicholas scratch is Agatha's son" their eyes went wide.

"It's family genes" Clint snickered "Agatha is very powerful, if we didn't save Phoenix from red room they could've made her even more powerful than all of us combined" I added on.

"The only way to contain her is either killing her or trying to control and find out her powers so she doesn't end the world"

Phoenix's POV

the avengers were all talking about something and they looked scared, they sometimes looked at me but I acted like I don't notice. Were they out to get me all of a sudden?

They turned around and Natasha walked over to me, she bent down in front of me. "This may be a hard question to answer, but what is the worst thing you have don't when you were angry?" She put a hand on my knee and I was confused.

"Well... I killed a whole set of guards and almost took down an entire neiborhood with a bomb because they gave me a trick mission" I smiled a little and she looked scared.

"How did you calm down?"

"They shot me with that liquid you guys always put me under" she rolled her eyes. "And how often do you get mad like that?"

"Pretty often, I'm always angry. The other kids before Dreykov died were all scared of me" Natasha took a deep breath and sighed "will you promise not to go rogue like that under our supervision" she grabbed my hand and I took it back confused.

She gave me a sad smile "just give me mac and cheese and I won't kill your guards" she smiled "yes! She loves Mac and cheese!" Yelena cheered, Natasha gave her a look.

"FRIDAY make delivery of Kraft mac n cheese to the tower every Friday" I heard Tony say ti his watch slightly. "Yes sir" the ceiling- well now Watch lady responded.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked a little scared, I knew what would happen if I was in trouble. "No, you aren't in trouble" Reddie stood up and patted my head. I was confused on why they touched me so much, was it a normal thing to do or were they claiming me with their DNA?

Natasha's POV

we had learned a lot of information on Phoenix's family, her mom was a triplet until Dan and Dailey died in a bombing at age 9. Armin, her father was part of HYDRA for almost 10 years until he died before Phoenix's birth.

2 nights later Phoenix was sleeping next to Melina, Yelena was awake and getting ready. We were going back to the prison to talk to Leonid— we've been thinking about trying to escape him but it would be hard due to the fact there's a force field and plus if we did he would put Phoenix in danger.

I went to go wake up Melina "Melina, we're going tonight" she quietly got up, Phoenix is a very light sleeper we have learned.

992 words

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