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Phoenix's POV

Some people were chasing me, I was near a train station running faster than wind. I had already got rid of 2 people who were chasing me but there were still tons.

I quickly turned around and shot fire at some of them, they fell like flies. I iced some of them and made a fire line behind me hoping it would slow them down.

I saw a train starting to take off, but I wasn't Finna make it on time. I started running faster, faster than ever. The train was speeding up and guns with these liquids were being shot at me. I was scared of these bad guys, they had killed my sisters and the only person who ever loved me. He was always trying to help me get ready for the future and prepare us for battle against the evil.

I grabbed onto the door of the train cart and hopped in quickly shutting the door. I kept hearing yelling, but it got fainter and fainter. I looked out and noticed they had stopped running, I sat down and sighed in relief. My eyes started to get full of tears and I felt my cheeks becoming warm from all the tears. I let it all out right there, right then.

Eventually I fell asleep crying and holding the last picture I had of me and the other widows.

I was awoken by the noise of a loud train horn and people talking in Russian. The door started to open, I stood up and backed up hoping it wasn't shield. "Кто эта девушка?»-Who's this girl, A man with black hair and a blue jumper said while pointing at me. Another man with a toothpick in his mouth came over to me "Да! что ты делаешь, девочка»-Ay! what you doing girl I got off of the cart quickly, but a guy had grabbed my arm "Как тебя зовут?»-what's your name, he asked.

"Феникс Новиков" I gave him my name "Что ты делал там в девочке»-what were you doing in there girl I didn't answer but tried to get free from his grasp, I wiggled but he wouldn't budge. I kicked him in the stomach, then twisted his arm making him let me go. He groaned in pain before falling on the ground and grabbing his walkie talkie, I kicked it out of his hand then kicked him unconscious.

The other guys came after me, I grabbed the black-haired guy's arm, pushing him into another guy. I threw a fire ball at a guy's stomach making him fly back on fire. I wrapped my hands around one of the guy's necks and suffocated them, I kicked the black hair dude again and slammed his head into the train making him pass out and bleed.

I heard more people yelling Russian coming towards me with guns, I ran once again.

A/N: this is the outfit she escaped the red room in

A/N: this is the outfit she escaped the red room in

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Nat's POV

After Melina and Alexia had left in the jet with the widows, we saw a girl running away, she was wearing the same training suites that the other girls were wearing.

Me and Yelena ran after her yelling for her, she kept looking back terrified. A train was passing, and she had hopped onto it just in time. "Dammit!" I muttered. We went back to the rubble to see if there were any other girls there. We didn't find anything there, but we did know where the train was going.

The train stop was about 300 miles away cause it was cargo, so we had time to call Alexia and ask the others who the girl was. I grabbed my very cracked phone and clicked on his contact "Something wrong Natasha" "Ask the girls about a red headed child, there was a girl running away wearing the same training suite" It was silent for a little bit, we heard him speaking Russian.

"There was a top-secret level" I had to think for a minute about that "How many?" I asked while mouthing words at Yelena. "4, they were top secret, they say they don't know a lot about them" "We didn't find anyone else only the one that ran" He spoke Russian again, but it was muffled.  "They say their more dangerous than normal" "I have a lead on her I'll go look for her, you and Melina tell Shield about this, if she's been in the red room all this time, she isn't used to the real worl and is highly dangerous" I hung up and Told Yelena "So where are the other three" she asked while looking around for any bodies.

We had gone onto my motorcycle to the train station, it would take a while to get there but it's faster while going 110 MPH.

A few hours later we arrived at the station, there was a fire and Police sirens. We got to the train we saw the girl in, 4 guys were unconscious on the ground, the train was bloody, one had a snapped neck, one had a broken leg and dislocated shoulder, and the fourth one wasn't fully unconscious.

we ran over to him; he had a third degree burn on his stomach "помощь" he kept saying through labored breaths. "Что случилось»-what happened Yelena asked him while holding his hand to comfort him. "О-оранжевая девушка, Мутант огня"-O-orange girl, Mutant fire He was starting to choke on his blood. Me and Yelena looked at each other in confusion, he passed out unconscious, I sighed, and Yelena stood us just as confused as me.

922 words

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