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Phoenix's POV (week later)

"We'll let you out if you promise not to hurt anyone or use your powers against us" Reddie gave me that look, I shook my head and she let me out of the room, she grabbed my arm and walked me to this bigger room.

It wasn't much bigger but it had a big bed, a bathroom, tv, closet, and big windows. A big smile turned on my face, I looked up at Romanoff, she was smiling at me a little.

She showed me around the room "there's a few rules Phoenix" she turned to me "no using your powers for now unless you have permission" I nodded my head "you can't go on the other floors without a chaperone, same with leaving the tower" I tilted my head.

"Chaperone?" I questioned "chaperone, you can't go places without someone else with you" I nodded my head in realization.

"The clothes in the closet should be your size, but later this week we can go shopping" she showed me the clothes "shopping?"

"Have you never been shopping?" She looked at me sadly "I don't know what shopping means" I looked down a little "when you buy stuff- like how you bought food in Russia, that was shopping" I nodded my head

"But for now you can rest and get used to the room and new surroundings. Tomorrow you can meet everyone else" my eyes went wide, hadn't I hurt some of them? "I hurt them though" I frowned "they're fine don't worry" she chuckled a little.

She left and I sat down on the bed and bounced a little "squishy" I whispered I took off my jacket and laid down, it was really soft. The pillows were even softer, I turned and thrusted around under the blanket but it was too soft.

I sighed and threw myself onto the floor and took the blanket down with me, I smiled a little at the comfort and closed my eyes.


"Phoenix?" I heard someone call. I shot awake, Reddie walked around the bed and chuckled a little when she saw me "bed too soft?" I groaned and stood up.

"Well you go get ready, I'll be waiting for you outside" she left, I went into the closet and looked at some clothes. There weren't much but I did find a nice shirt and jeans, I changed into that. I got ready quickly and walked out the door.

Redie walked me to the elevator "common room FRIDAY" she said "who's fri-" before I could finish speaking a voice of the gods spoke "yes ma'am"

I screamed and got into fighting position, Reddie laughed "it's an AI don't worry" I looked around paranoid "AI?"

"Artificial intelligence, it's a robot technically" we walked out do the elevator and I smelt something delicious. "Hey Nat" that archer said, he was cooking with metal arm and laughing.

"This the girl?" A tall man pointed at me, Reddie shook her head "ya, this is Phoenix" I smiled at him awkwardly. He put his hand out "im Steve Rogers" I shook his hand "Tony Stark" this brown haired dude came over and put his hand out, I shook it and smiled.

"The archer dude is Clint Barton, Metal arm is Bucky Barnes, you know my sister Yelena, you know the Maximoff twins over there, that's Sam Wilson and Bruce banner. The gods Thor and Loki are not in the tower" she pointed at everyone.

"Maximoff? As in the Maximoff experiment with the mind stone" I tilted my head "ya, when you are brainwashed you pontes us out" The female twin said.

"Wanda and Pietro" I said "ya... that's our names" they smiled. "Breakfast is ready" Clint yelled while bringing two plates to the table. We all sat down, I was next to Reddie and Blondie.

"You can grab some Phoenix" Natasha whispered to me "oh" I grabbed some eggs and an English muffin, I've only had an apple and a juice box for breakfast not this fancy stuff.

After we all finished eating Pietro zoomed around and collected all the plates and put them in the dishwasher.

"What's your favorite colour Phoenix?" Wanda asked me "red and black" I replied, she smiled "same!" "When's your birthday?" I burrowed my eyebrows "y'know... the day your born. Like how mine is February 10th, it's the day you were brought into the world" she explained to me.

"I actually have no clue" I shrugged, she gave me a sad look and rubbed my hand. I quickly pulled away in confusion "we'll figure out your birthday one way or another" she smiled at me and stood up.

Later Natasha, Wanda, and this new woman I recently met who's name was Pepper Potts. We went to a mall "do you know any stores that you want to go to" Reddie asked me "no ma'am" I shook my head. "I think you'll like Delmar's" she smiled at me and took me to it.

We walked around and I looked at a price tag in a red shirt I liked, it said $63.99 "this money symbol is different from russia's" I commented "In America we use dollars while In Russia uses rubble" Wanda told me

We bought some nice clothes and went to Gucci afterwards "wow! They even have red combat boots here!" I cheered, Natasha laughed and grabbed them.

We went to a few more stores that blew my mind before going to the food court and grabbing some food "pizza?" Pepper asked "sure" we all said before grabbing some pizza.

We walked into another store after eating and getting some delicious drink called boba tea, Reddie saw something on the shelves and turned to me "this is going to sound weird- but have you gotten your period yet?"

"My period? As in menstrual cycle?" I cocked my head "ya"

I shook my head and she grabbed some tampons, she had told me about her experience in the red room along with her sisters so I think she knew we used tampons.

"I think I know the answer but did you ever use pads?" She asked "what the heck is a pad" I shot my head back confused "that's what I figured" she put two boxes of tampons in her hands and we walked to check out area.

"What was your favorite store?" Pepper asked "Delmars!" I replied less than a second later "take this, and I want you to buy something with your own money so you get the feel of the real world" Pepper smiled at me while handing me a paper with a number 100 on it.

We walked back to Delmars, I chose this nice sweatshirt that I really liked and went to cash out. "Money please" the lady said, I handed her the paper "$48.34 cents in change" She handed me the money and I looked at pepper and Wanda a little confused on what to do. Wanda saw my confusion and took the money "we'll get you a wallet"

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