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Third person POV

"Left and right, left and right" Kovilis was training Phoenix for the red room again, she was under widow academy again, she feels nothing right now. No pain. No suffering. Just commands and fighting.

Pew, pew, pew
Her shooting lessons, 100% accuracy like always, she's the best student in the red room. The only student, but not for long. 11 kids were getting kidnapped and killing the parents tomorrow.

Phoenix was getting retrained in Archery, gun shooting, knife skills, Cinderella, ballet, karate, boxing, and fighting. She was on a strict diet of Apple for breakfast, Mac N cheese for lunch, and Steak for dinner. Nothing less, nothing more.

1 week of training

"Novikov stop slacking!" Kovilis yelled, "Kez more strength!" "Izar you need more coordination!" "Kez shoot for the head not the chest!" 16/7 training, 2 breaks, 4 hours of sleep, no socializing. There first mission was coming up next week and they needed to be prepared.

Nat's POV

we hit a dead end, Hydra had moved Phoenix when they saw Bucky and Sam in the camera. Everyone was somewhere else, possibly not even in Russia. Fury called us all back to New York and would continue our search from a distance with the whole team.

I needed to find this girl, she shouldn't have to go through hell a second time. "12 Adults were killed in Moscow, 2 in Germany, 3 in Washington, and 1 in Buenes Aires. They were all Russian" Tony swiped up on his starkpad and projected the kids. "Eleven kids were kidnapped in their sleep while their parents were being killed. Widow symbol was left behind" He continued "They're starting an army, Its only a matter of time before they take more kids"

"Where are they training the widows? The red room is gone" Pietro stated "Someone else was working with DreyKov" Fury walked in and put a face on the hologram. "Yaroslav, he was one of the people who was in the winter program" the winter program was where Bucky was trained and got the super soldier serum, along with the other ones.

"He was last spotted in July when he made a speech for the Nazi army in Germany" Fury pulled up a video. It was translated from German to English. "Comrades! Many of us have been betrayed, abandoned, forgotten, mistreated, And broken. But we shall no more feel that pain! But make others feel it, make them feel what we felt! We will never forgive nor forget what they did to us... To our kin, to our home. - Revenge is one thing in my mind for sure, but my mind is more powerful than yours" Everyone clapped for that scumbag.

"Стерва" I muttered under my breath. I went to the map to see if we could find any more clues, first we needed to find out why he chose to create an army of 11 year olds.

1 month later

We still haven't really found a lead, Phoenix Novikov was marked as unsolved case #48.

We stopped looking for about a week and focused on other things, until yesterday when there was a report in Germany of assassins killing the Officeholders. The whole facility in the building was dead, along with their families.

"Why them?" Steve asked while walking back and forth "maybe Yaroslav had a grudge" Pietro shrugged while biting into his sandwich. "Romanoff call your sister" Fury told me. "On it" I walked away from the living room and called her to come over and filled her in on the stuff we knew.

Third person POV

Novikov was the leader of 11 other kids, all were under 14. They were going to Germany to kill Olaf Scholz (NOT A DEATH THREAT JUST STORYLINE) they first went to the house of Olaf's family and shot them all and slit their throats.

They went to the Germany White House place thangalang, 4 kids went to the first floor, 3 to the second, 2 on the roof for look out, and the leader and head student Sares to the third floor where Olaf was. "Kid don't do this" Olaf said while he backed away from the red head.

"Your being mind controlled, you can fight this. He's putting false memories in your head of me" he was pleading for his life. "Shoot him" Yaroslav said through the ear pieces.

She pulled the trigger 3 times in the chest. "Good job Novikov" Novikov and Sares walked down the stairs to find Keela was dead. She had gotten stabbed in the stomach, bleeding out. She got commanded to kill her self with the widow bites.

"We lose people frequently, we move on and keep training to be better" Novikov told the kids.

793 words

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