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Phoenix's POV

I woke up to a horrid pain in my neck, I went to touch it but my hands were tied down. I could see my veins turning red and blue, the power cuffs haven't been blocking out my powers I've just been deciding not to use them.

I'm not suppose to use my powers in full team missions, it could give us all away.

I groaned and melted the chains holding me down, it made me claustrophobic.

"(Ух ты! Что за черт! (Wow! What the hell!)" Russian brown hair dude yelled. "What? You've never seen fire?" I winced and stood up "what happened and where am I and why am I in this outfit" I was in a different red room outfit than when I was on the run. I was in an all red one with some black while my other one was black with some red.

"Stay there" he put his hands out like he was scared "did I do something wrong?" I asked "No just for precaution" he scratched his head

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"Stay there" he put his hands out like he was scared "did I do something wrong?" I asked "No just for precaution" he scratched his head. I went to walk but got really dizzy, the whole room was spinning and I felt like shit.

"I don't feel so good" I mumbled before tipping over onto the bed, my vitals were going crazy, russian dude rushed over and caught me before everything went black.


"Hey... you... me... happened?" I could here someone talking but I couldn't make out all of the words. I groaned and tried to open my eyes, I felt so sick and dead, it was like everything in my body was being drained.

I reached for my arm where I felt the draining and found a needle and a tube, I tried to pull it but someone's hand stopped me from doing it. "No" I mumbled

"Phoenix it's ok we're helping" It was a females voice "stop" I mumbled again while she gripped my hand, like she was trying to hold me down, she shushed me and rubbed my hair, what was she doing?

"Let me go" I opened my eyes a little more and saw she had sad eyes, she let go of my hands. It was that redhead Romanoff. I moaned before turning my head down to my arms and realizing I wasn't being held down like before and there was an IV in me.

"How are you feeling?" A brown haired lady asked while walking in. I sat up confused "I'm Melina Vostokoff, don't worry we won't hurt you unless you give us a reason too" she unhooked something and took out my IV "do you remember anything?" She asked "remember what? The red room, Reddie and Blondie attacking me, same with metal arm and archer dude. Then someone shot me" I sighed.

"That's all?" Red looked confused, "do you remember going to Switzerland, France, USA, Europe" she burrowed her eyebrows "I went to the states! I've always wanted to go there!" I sat up in exitment.

"Well lucky for you went to New York and Washington" she smiled a little "queens? Brooklyn?" She asked "Manhattan"

"Wait- why did I go to so many countries? Was I high?" "No... you got taken by Hydra again and they brainwashed you into killing again"

"How many?" I asked with a sorta smile "don't do that to yourself Phoenix" she tilted her head and gave me a sad look "do what? I just want to know how many digits up my body count went" i snickered "oh- well uh, you killed some officeholders and some others, soo" she looked up thinking "you killed about 13 people, your team killed 20" I smiled "82"

"82 what?"

"82 people I've killed"

"That's a high count for your age"

"And what's that age?"


"Oh, well i guess I just got a head start" I shrugged "your sick" a brown haired dude with a long beard said while walking in "who are you" I asked "Alexia Shostakov aka red guardian" he smiled proud "red guardian?"

"Oh Cmon you've never heard of that red suited guy who has super strength and worked for spies" he complained and rolled his eyes "no..." I laughed a little and so did everyone else.

"We'll let you rest, I'll be back to check on you in a few hours" Melina told me before smiling and walking out, Reddie and Strong dude walked out.

I sighed and laid back down to get some rest.

Natasha's POV

"She's awake" I told everyone "did you talk to her" Bucky asked "yep- she doesn't remember anything past that night in august. She's kinda insane but I'm not surprised from her trauma" I sat down next to Clint and sighed.

"She was proud about her killings, she asked how many people she killed. She was happy to know her body count went up to 82" clint gave me a fearsome look "geez what the hell did they do to that girl"

"Think she'll try to hurt us?" Bucky asked "no, she seems to few safe here but there are locks on the doors just in case"

"The power cuffs don't work on her meaning she's holding back her powers but she doesn't like being tied up" Bucky added. We agreed with him "well someone has to explain her life to her, especially that Hydra is the bad guys and we are good" Yelena sighed.

"I'll do it" Yelena raised her hand.

Yelena's POV

in the morning I went to Phoenix's room, she was sitting up and humming a song. "Phoenix Novikov" I smiled a little at her and sat in the bed next to her "Blondie is back to interrogate me" she mumbled "no, I'm here to tell you about what happened to you during those 3 months" she looked at me confused.

I explained to her what she did and everything that happened "you work with shield? I thought you were trying to help me? To Take this curse away from me!" She panicked a little "hey don't worry Phoenix Novikov we are the good guys like i said. Hydra manipulated you into thinking we are bad but they are the bad ones. We've been trying to help you" I gave her almost a said look.

"But why me? Why did hydra take me, let me go, then track me down again" She looked down at her hands in her legs.

"Because your their weapon and criminals don't like their weapons being touched by others"

1077 words

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