Death of the world

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Third person POV

The widows were getting trained for their big mission "Novikov, Sear your up!" Kovilis said. They went into the circle and got in fight position "do anything to win" he said "go!"

The girls started to fight, Novikov swung at Sear while Sear moved and punched Novikov in stomach. They fought for a little bit before Novikov got ahold of the 12-year old girl.

She was joking her to death "finish her Red!" Kovilis shouted, Novikov hesitated before snapping her neck and letting her body flop to the ground. A slight tear fell from Phoenix's cheek.

They were sitting and watching Cinderella and drinking a juice box when Yaroslav came in "Widows! Get ready, mission in 30" she clapped to make them rush.

The girls got ready with all their weapons and uniforms, they got the jet ready and went out.

Their mission was to take down the Sweden president, he had gotten into some crime stuff and was a threat to the discovery of the red room 2.0.

They jumped off the jet and landed near the building, Izar put a bomb on the side of a building making it blow. They raided the place quietly before they arrived to where the President was.

5 people were in the corner of the room and security guards had guns aimed at the 4 kids.

"Get out of our way and we won't hurt you" Novikov grabbed her gun and pointed it at a guard, Kez pointed a gun at the other guard. The guards didn't stand down, they shot them.

Novikov walked over to the 4 people in the back of the room "who's Magdalena Andersson" she asked. A blonde woman raced her hand. Without hesitation Izar shot her in the head.

The others screamed as her body hit the ground. "Who are the others" Novikov asked into the ear piece "ask names" "who are you three" Novikov asked while pointed a gun at an older brunette man "Michael Martin" he was terrified.

She moved the gun to the person next to him "Shehbaz Sharif" he had an accent. She moved the gun to the last person "Élisabeth Borne" she stuttered out. "Office holders of different countries. Kill them all"

Novikov killed the man, Izar killed the short haired blonde while Kez killed the other blonde.

"Report back to jet Widows" they ran out the building and went to the jet.

"Get rest, at o-12 Alcock we're going to America" Kovilis said "yes sir" the 3 widows went to the bedroom where the other 7 widows were already asleep.

Phoenix's POV

"We're here to help you Phoenix" that blonde lady that tried to kidnap me in the woods was in front of me. "How do you know my name?" I backed up in fear. "Everyone knows a freaks name" she had the strongest Russian accent when she said that.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled before she attacked me,I fought back and burnt her right in the chest making her scream in pain.

I kept and kept on burning her, even after she stopped screaming. I stopped when all that was left was dust. "What have you done" a redhead said from behind me; she had a gun pointed at my head "what you couldn't" I stood up.

She shot me in the head.

I woke up panting and sitting straight up, luckily I didn't wake the other widows up. I sighed and stepped out of bed and walked over to the window, it was raining again. The rain was peaceful to watch especially at night.

All I could think about was what America would be like, I know it's just a mission to kill the president but I've never seen what the roads or shops look like. Did America even have trees like Russia?

I heard some walking and jolted up "Novikov back to bed" A guard said while giving me what looked like half a sad smile "yes sir" I walked back to my bed, he looked out the window and then smiled at me "the rain is nice" he commented before walking out and locking the door.

Clint's POV

Fury walked into the meeting room once we all got there "the widows have now killed 4 officeholders" he pulled up photos of them "Élisabeth Borne, prime minister of France. Shehbaz Sharif Pakistan prime minister, Micheàl Martin Ireland Prime Minister and Magdalena Andersson prime minister of Sweden"

Steve sighed and put his head onto his fist. "They were having a meeting in Sweden, Trump was suppose to attend the meeting but got held back from coronavirus." He walked around us and Hill handed him a file.

"Romanoff, Rogers, you two are on president watch. We believe Yaroslav is going to come for him next"

I was thinking for a minute and decided to speak my mind "what do the officeholders all have in common that would make Yaroslav and Kovilis want them dead" Fury put something up on the hologram "they were all former soldiers in the Vietnam war, they had killed Kovilis's father. He was a prisoner of war" I sighed.

Third person POV

The widows finished their training before getting into the Jet for the mission. The 9 girls got ready and got their guns and knives all loaded and cleaned on the jet "Izar and Kez are with me, White and Yoshef will take down the main guards. Handar you take down security workers and camera system" the 5 widows nodded.

"Imïla and Shefta you make sure no guards attack us from the second floor while Armeva will keep watch out for any other attackers" the rest nodded.

When they arrived in America everyone got off the Jet and looked around before getting into position "everyone remember their positions and the plan" Novikov asked "yes ma'am" the girls replied.

They raided the White House making sure no one was around, Izar, Kez, and Novikov jumped into a window from the roof and shot the guards.

Handar had turned off the cameras and knocked the security worker's unconscious. White and Yoshef had taken down most of the ground guards making sure non of them made it to the elevator. Imïla and Shefta took down guards, Shafta got shot in the leg but walked it off.

The three main widows got to wing where the president was being kept "stand down Widows" Natasha had a gun in her hand and pointed it at Kez. Steve was next to her with his shield "move" Novikov walked towards her.

"Don't make me shoot" the red heads were giving each other death looks "shoot The man Izar" Yaroslav said to Izar though the head com.

Izar took her gun and aimed it for his head, Steve blocked it and Natasha immediately shot Izar in the chest. She fell to the floor with a thud and started gagging in her blood, her Widow Bites started buzzing red and her arm was being lifted to her head. She was crying out, her bite touched her temple and blew up her brains.

Natasha and Steve sighed before Novikov and Kez ran away from them trying to find another way to get to the president.

The coms kept going off
"Purple is down"

"Crimson is down"

"Blue is down"

"Brown is down"

"Black is down"
they all came around 10 seconds apart. Novikov held her gun tighter and ran into a room withKez. They panted and grabbed a knife in their other hand, Novikov opened the door when they heard the footsteps fade.

They ran the way they came from and went to the presidents room, Kez kicked the door down "wow!" Trump put his hands up and stepped out of bed. "Don't shoot" Novikov took some pressure off of the trigger.

"We can help you two, your under mind control and filled with false memories, we can help" he walked towards us weekly. Kez was about to shoot him they two remaining widows got a needle into their necks. They waddled around unstable and dropped their weapons "mission unsu-" before Phoenix coup finish the sentence she collapsed unconscious and so did Kez.

1401 words

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