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It was late at night in November, I actually was able to sleep on my bed tonight, I even ahad a nice fluffy red blanket that I was obsessed with.

Nix's dream

I was at the red room training for the assassination of Sweden officeholders. "Higher kick Red!" Yaroslav hit me in the head and I gave him a look.

"Work harder widows!" He yelled. We were working our asses off trying to stay alive here and they kept pushing us further and further.

After we kept on training for 2 more hours I went to take a shower, once I got out kovilis was at attention waiting for me "you think your safe cause I'm dead" he had a gun in his hand "no sir" I responded while grabbing my knife.

"Yaroslav is going to find you and he is going to finish the job traitor" he loaded the gun, I gulped "hail hydra" he shot me.

I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream I could not remember, but as I woke up I felt fear. I had trembly breath for a minute before I wrapped myself in the blanket and calmed down. I stood up and walked out of the room hoping not to be caught.

The elevator would be too loud so I walked down the stairs to the common room kitchen, I got lost a few times but remembered the path I took before. I went into the kitchen and grabbed some ice cream— I had gained a liking for ice cream after I had it at the mall for the second time in my life.

I took a spoon and sat on the floor wrapped in the blanket, I felt my eyes getting watery and my nose was stinging. I wasn't suppose to cry- it was a sign of weakness, but I've been strong for too long.

"Mrs ceiling lady are you there?" I asked with a cracky voice while looking up "yes Mrs Novikov, call me Friday" I jumped a little when she replied "am I going to die?"

"The chnces are very low here but everyone dies eventually"

"Will the bad guys get me again"

"There is a 8.2% chance they can get into this tower. Unless they go undercover they can not get to you"

I sighed knowing that they couldn't get me here.

"Why does SHIELD care for me?" She was silent for a minute, I ate more ice cream.

"According to your shield file you are powerful and unsolved case 23 from 2030" I cocked my head a little.

"Unsolved?" "Unsolved cases are when a case has yet to be solved, either they move on from it until they get another case or keep on working on it till they find ends meet"

"Is my father an unsolved case?" "Your father is-" "that's enough FRI" Reddie walked in and I jumped a little.

"S-sorry ma'am" I said while wiping my tear stained cheeks. "Don't appologize, it's ok I get that it's hard right now" She sat next to me with a spoon and took the ice cream tub from my hands "this is my favorite flavor" she smiled

"Me as well" I smiled back "its the only flavor you've had though" she said with a chuckle "I know" I laughed.

"Why are you up this late Phoenix" she asked "I had a bad dream" I took another bite of the ice cream "want to talk about it?" She gave me a look, I was confused on why she was being so nice to me.

"I don't really remember it, I just woke up scared, scared that Yaroslav was coming back to end me because I'm a traitor" I sniffled a little.

"Your safe here don't worry" she put a hand around my back and I backed away fast and scared, I took off the blanket and gave her a betrayed look.

"Phoenix it's ok, I was giving you a hug I wasn't going to hurt you"

"A hug?"

"How do you not know what a hug is?" "I don't know" I shrugged. She scooted over to me after placing the ice cream down and wrapped her arms around me, I froze up and just blinked awkwardly.

"That's a hug" she pulled away and smiled. "But usually you hug the person back as well" she smiled.

I tilted my head before going in for a hug, she wrapped her hands back around me.

We ate some more ice cream and talked about each other, she learned that I didn't know my birthday and how her birthday was the day she joined shield due to the red room. We bonded pretty quickly due to having the same things happen to us and going through the red room.


I woke up around 9 am to go to the common room, it was much easier to find it this time. I was wearing some blue jeans, black top and a Beanie.

I walked downstairs and Nat smiled at me

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I walked downstairs and Nat smiled at me. I sat around the table again with a plate and waited for everyone to grab their food "Phoenix, you can grab food you don't have to wait" Steve told me, I grabbed some hash browns and bacon.

Natasha's POV

We ate breakfast before going to the training grounds, Phoenix came with us so I could see what she knows so far.

When we got there, I brought her up first "just a simple little fight, I'll go easy" She nodded and we got into fighting positions.

I went to punch her in the stomach but she blocked my hand and did a move I've never seen before, Flipping me around and making me land on my back. I groaned "your good" i wheezed.

"Sorry" she replied before offering me and hand and helping me up, smiling.

She went against Steve, Bucky, Wanda (not using her powers) and even Clint.

We did a few training while Phoenix sat down and read a book, after training I had seen Steve go up to her.

"Your good at fighting" Steve gave her a smile "you are too" She replied before shutting the book.

She stood up and smiled at him before hugging him? "It's a hug" She said "ya" He patted her back with a slight smile, she smiled before moving away and going to Clint and giving him a hug as well.

He was surprised and looked around confused before hugging her back "thank you" he said confused, she just smiled then walked towards me.

"So you like hugs?" I asked with a chuckle "ya, they remind me of my second mom Dula" she said. I knew she meant her adoptive mom, I sometimes refer to Melina as my second mom.

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