Dead ends

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Nat's POV

We went back to the hotel and looked for Hydra bases around Moscow. "There's 6 known bases, 4 are taken down and the other two are abandoned" Bucky said. We kept on looking for any other trails or spots where Hydra could be.

A few hours later some of the team arrived. "What you guys have so far?" Rhodes asked "there's 6 hydra bases, 4 are taken down and 2 are abandoned. But there's also an abandoned military base that has been known for Hydra meeting and also a suspected ex-shield base used for Hydra agents" Clint said while pointing in the map.

"Me and Rhodes will check the Ex-shield base" Tony said "me, Wanda, and Pietro will get the abandoned base south to Moscow" Clint had said. "Yelena, and Nat you guys get the abandoned base west to Moscow" Tony pointed at them and they shook their heads "dammit I'm stuck with metal arm" Sam rolled his eyes.

"You guys get the military base" Tony said while sighing and waving us off.

Me and Yelena got on my bike and followed the GPS to the location. It took a little while but once we got there It was just all dirt and a torn down building.

We walked around it to make sure nothing was underground "looks like no one's been here in decades" Yelena said with a chuckle "No trace of anybody or anything here" I said into my ear piece. We saw some stairs and walked down, "disgusting" Yelena waved her hand in front of her nose and I Held my nose.

It smelt like 100 year old decomposed bodies. "Yep, no one alive here" We rushed up the stairs to the fresh air.

Tony's POV

Me and Rhodes went to the Shield base, there was nothing really here. Just some broken down shield cars and old tech. We looked around for any signs of people. "No trace of anybody or anything here" Nat said through the ear piece. "Nothing here either" Rhodes said.

We walked up some stairs to the second floor and there was unfinished tests and chemicals that only God knows what's in it. We looked around "Tony look" I walked over to James, there was a map with targets of different people and places. I took a picture and sent it to everyone.

We grabbed the map and rushed back to the car.

Bucky's POV

when we arrived at the military base it didn't look very militaristic. Wilson cocked his head to the side in confusion "did you get the location wrong Barnes?" He asked me "nope." I walked to a metal door that was cracked open and walked in, Wilson was right behind me.

We grabbed some flash lights cause it was darker than Thanos's heart. "Looks like someone's been here" I said. Wilson moved his flash light around "look" he pointed at a security camera. "Shit" I muttered before throwing a rock at it.

"What that camera do to you" Wilson rolled his eyes "it's on and charged, someone watching us." I sighed and walked around.

We found some military equipment but nothing out of the ordinary. We walked down stairs to find tons and tons of files. "We found a security camera and tons of files" I said into the ear piece "who's files?" Clint said. "Don't know but there's sections dated from 1999 and ends at 2041" "any labels?" Nat asked and she seemed shocked. "Красная комната" -red room. "Look in section "N"" Nat told me.

"I, O, C, Q, R, B, N!" I mumbled. "I found 3 names in N" I said into the ear piece. "Grab Novikov" I grabbed Novikov and we rushed back to the motorcycle.

Clint's POV

We got to the abandoned base but it didn't look too abandoned, there were 2 guards on the outside. "Pietro zoom" Wanda said and in 2 seconds my hair was messed up and there was a blue streak.

A minute later Pietro was back "all guards down" he panted. "Thanks" I said while walking to the gate and hopping over it, the twins followed.

We saw the outside of the base and it was definitely being used. We sneaked inside and saw some agents and Scientists "agent activity South of Moscow" I said Into the earpiece "on our way" everyone said.

I grabbed my bow and an arrow and shot it at an agent, he fell with a yelp "who's there!" A guard yelled while holding up a very big gun. An alarm started to go off and guards came rushing out of the elevator.

Wanda did her Magic stuff while Pietro zoomed and knocked out some guards, I shot at some of the guards making them fall.

We ran to the elevator and shut it right before the guards came in. They were knocking and yelling at the door. "We need back up!" I yelled into the ear piece "we're doing as quick as we can" Barnes yelled, I could hear the wind and car engine.

I got my bow and arrow ready and Wanda had a power ball in her hand, Pietro had his fists up.

A few minutes later we heard the guards screaming and gun shots. After everything went silent I opened the elevator door, "well this is awkward" Pietro said while walking out.

"There's 2 lower levels" Tony said while going to the stairs and everyone followed him. We got the first bottom level and we saw red alarms and red lights, things were all over the floor and it was messy.

"No one's here" Pietro scratched his head "no shit Sherlock" Bucky said. We looked around for a little longer then went back to the hotel.

"Where's the map" Nat asked, Tony put the map on the table and Bucky handed her a file. "These red dots are the towns she was in" Yelena said. "That's the teeehouse she slept in one night in Ysumin, and the Warehouse Omsk" "and those are the bases we went to check" Yelena said.

"The file says she's the only alive Mutant Widow, there were 18" Clint showed Nat. "If she's the only one then they would want her as a leader" Tony said.

"But she had the serum so she's not brainwashed. They can't brainwash her again can they?" Wanda said "Hopefully they cant" James said.

1068 words

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