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Nat's POV

After dark we followed the tracker to the woods in Rezh, it was a festive town and was kinda nice. We saw a fire and her sleeping in an abandoned wolfs den, wel hopefully abandoned. We snuck over quietly and hid for a little while.

"I'm tired of waiting" Bucky grabbed his tranquilizer gun and Aimed it at her. "Bucky no!" I yelled at him and so did Yelena. Clint rolled his eyes and took the gun from Bucky, I stole the gun from Clint and slapped him hard on the arm "ow!" He yelled.

We saw the fire go out and we all shut up quickly "dammit" I muttered under my breath. "Who's there?" Phoenix walked over to where we were. Bucky stood up "Phoenix please don't go" she had created a fire ball in her hand, my eyes opened up in shock. "Stay away" She looked scared, "We aren't going to hurt you, I promise" Yelena was trying to be calm with her.

"Liars!" She yelled with anger in her eyes. "How do you know my name" she continued "we aren't the bad people we're trying to help" Yelena started walking towards her, and she ran. We ran after her but Bucky was right behind her cause he was the fastest, Phoenix hit him in the leg with fire and he fell down but quickly got up limping.

He muttered German before grabbing his gun from his pants and shooting at her, she covered her head and ran left. "Bucky! Stop!" Clint yelled at him, we catched up to Bucky and I took his gun from him and yelled at him In Russian, he argued back to me.

Nix's POV

I kept on running for god knows how long till i physically couldn't anymore, I fell to the leafy,dirty ground panting and took off my bag. How the hell did they find me?

I opened my bag to see if something was in there, when I first got the bag from Ruberto I did a double check to make sure no tracker or listening device was in there and nothing was. I dumped everything out of the bag and searched around for something, anything.

Right next to a water in the ground was a black tracker with a company label 'Stark Industries' I cussed under my breath while putting everything back in my bag besides the tracker. I thought for a minute on who would've been able to put the tracker in there, I thought really hard. Then I remembered Ruberto gave me an extra long wrapped arms around body thing and could've put it in then.

I wanted to leave a note for when they tracked me again so I took the paper with Ruberto's number on it out and wrote 'Пошел ты' -f*ck you. I laid there for a minute to catch my breath, I really thought I could trust him. I thought he actually wanted to be my friend but he was working with the avengers.

For the first time in a while I had really bad thoughts of cutting my self, I didn't have a knife or anything on me so I couldn't. And a rock or stick would get it infected and kill me, but isn't that what everyone wants?

I got up and started walking again, I was used to getting hurt like this but not by someone who I thought was trying to help me.

I walked for a while before it started snowing and it started getting even colder. I used my heat hands to warm myself up but wasn't helping that much, the blanket I had was still at the den and I couldn't go back.

I found a very leafy tree and sat under it where there was no snow, the ground was so hard from the cold weather and was uncomfortable but I don't really care, I was used to sleeping and sitting on hard floors.

I started to think that it was a good choice to leave, what if I stayed any longer? Would've they caught me through Ruberto? Usually I'm sad that I walk away from good people but now that I walked away from Ruberto there is no regret in walking away from someone who gave me a reason to leave them behind.

The sun was slowly going down while I was just lost in my head thinking about life and wondering if I should just turn myself into the avengers so they'll kill me, I'm too weak to kill my self. It started to Blizzard and I was so cold fire couldn't even spawn on my hands.

The wind was getting strong and the snow just kept getting higher and higher, snow started falling onto me. I started to walk again but not very fast from how cold I was. I swear I kept hearing the trees move like people were in it but figured I was hallucinating from hypothermia.

A few minutes later when I was kinda near a road I heard a whistle, like a tranquilizer gun. It missed me by an inch, my eyes opened in shock and fear and ran for the road. I didn't make it very far though, I got shot in the leg and fell into the snow making me even more cold. I took the needle and shot out and tried getting back up but I was overcome with dizziness.

I got up slowly and not even five steps later I fell unconscious. This is the end of me.

929 words

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