Leonid Chekhov pt.2

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Natasha's POV

we went to the prison, visiting hours were still open. "Why didn't you tell us she's related to one of the worlds most powerful witch" I slightly yelled. "Ah Natasha and Yelena have came to visit again. Where's Phoenix?"

"Away from you" Yelena gave him a look "what's wrong with me? I'm her father" he whined "your a lying bastard, that's what's wrong with you Leonid"

"Now tell me Widows... what did I do? Oh wait! Let me guess- I gave you the wrong hospital name and Phoenix was found by hydra and she's now dead. Looks like I didn't need that back up plan"

"No. She's fine, why didn't you tell us she was related to a witch" I gave him a death look.

"Ah that... ya I didn't think it was important" he shrugged "not important? She could end this whole country" Yelena snapped.

"Well luckily she didn't" Leonid shrugged again.
"Her anger is very strong, she is a danger to the world!" I slammed my hand on the table and got face to face with him.

"How did you control her anger as a child?"
"It's pretty simple just give her mac n cheese and she loves music" he yawned

"I'm sorry are we boring you?" I asked while backing up a little "kinda" "this is why you weren't a good father" Yelena mumbled. "She loved me more than she'll ever like you" he hissed.

"I don't mind if she doesn't like us, all I care is that she's safe and away from you and hydra" I hollered "she needs to be safe from the whole world. She'll never be accepted for who she really is, she once froze and murdered a chicken because it pecked her. What do you think will happen if you tell her why you guys actually are keeping her?" He smiled and scoffed a little.

"This was a fun game ladies- but I got better plans that include escaping and raiding" He got up and went to a guard. "Wait Leonid" I stopped him.

"When is her birthday, it's the least you can do for her"
"I never really gave a damn about her, I got paid to take care of her. Why would I want to do something for her. Dula is the only one who gave a damn about her and she got killed protecting that witch"

"Then tel me it for Dula... please"

He sighed and closed his eyes "19th, December 2028"

We went to the car where Melina was waiting "he's a shitty person" Yelena slammed the door "what happened?" She asked

"He wants Phoenix to get caught, he says she's dangerous and too powerful for her own good. He wants her dead" I put my hand on my forehead.

"What a lovely father she had" Melina said sarcastically while driving. "We need to leave, Leonid is going to escape- he's still working with hydra and they're going to kill Phoenix not control her"

When we got back Phoenix was still asleep, Steve was awake with Bucky and eating protein bars Clint brought "back so soon?" Steve whispered to us "we need to leave now" I grabbed my bag and packed.

Yelena woke up Phoenix, the boys started to pack as well.


"What happened?" Phoenix asked while we were getting to the jet "nothing, it's just not safe"

"Did you at least get my birthday?" I looked her in the eyes "19th, December 2028" she smiled and hugged me "thank you Reddie" she squeezed me and I hugged her back.

"Now We need to get going" we walked on the jet.

Phoenix's POV

We were on the jet for quite a while, I fell asleep again on the jet. I was happy, I think it was happy- I haven't get that in a while so I don't remember if this is how it's felt. But I was happy I now know my birthday.

Natasha woke me up when we got back to New York, I was confused on why we left in such a rush but I know knew they were just trying to keep me safe.

"Oh... hey scott" Tony burrowed his eyebrows when he was some dude names scoot jamming with Sam and this child. "Who's the child" scott asked "This is Phoenix, Phoenix this is Scott aka Ant-man"

"Im not a child" I snapped "debatable" Sam said before drinking somee whiskey "Taking a person off the face of earth is never debatable" I gave him a look "anyways... Phoenix this is Cassie, Scott;s daughter" Reddie turned me around so I wasnt facing Sam, I smiled at Cassie and she gave me wide eyes

"You have a russian accent" Cassie pointed out "And you have an american Accent" i sat down next to her "Im calling you Nat 2.0" she giggled and i smiled.

"Do you know how to make cupcakes?" She asked excitedly "no" she sighed before running to her dad.

"Phoenix, we're making cupcakes to teach you" I was confused cause I've never had a cupcake nor cooked.

I went to the kitchen with Scott and Cassie. "You know measurements right?" Scott whispered "ya..." "good cause me nor Cassie know them" I laughed. I was very high educated.

"1Cup of flour and 2 tablespoons of oil" Scott told me, I poured it into the bowl and mixed all the ingredients, Cassie stuck her finger into it "try some" She told me. I stuck my hand into the batter and kicked my finger, I hummed in delight "bussin" we both said.

Scott poured the batter into same cupcake wrappers and baked them. "What's your favorite frosting" Scott asked me "I don't know..." I scratched my head. I've never even had a cake before-

"You've had had a cake or cupcakes right?" Scott questioned, I looked down "no"

He yelped and put a hand over his chest before dramatically falling to the floor. He dramatically died. "Oh no! Daddy!" Cassie yelled while running over and kneeling next to him.

"Starting CPR" she put his hands on his chest while I laughed "Nix help!" Cassie asked panicked, I placed the fork down and kneeled next to him.

Cassie handed me invisible resuscitators. I was confused but connected them to him and shocked him "back away from patient!" I demanded, me and Cassie backed away. 

He gasped and sat up, my eyes went wide "wow!" I mumbled "daddy!" Cassie hugged around his neck "the oven is about to beep" Cassie mumbled.

We stood up and got the cupcakes. "They grew" my eyes went wide. The avengers gathered around "the batter grew" I turned around and some chuckled.

We decorated them and handed them out, everyone ate theirs while I hesitated "try it, it's good" Reddie nudged me.

I bit into the cupcake and smiled.

"Told you" she snickered, I shoved half the thing in my mouth and sighed in delightedness.

Natasha and Yelenas phones went off, when they read a text they locked eyes. "Leonid just escaped prison from a riot" my face went Pale.

My father was coming back for me, when I realized that I smiled a little.

1199 words

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