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Yelena's POV

Bucky and Clint had gone out to get some more food, mac and cheese and hot sauce specifically. I went up to the front desk to ask for more toilet paper. He handed me the toilet paper then handed me a package "Это пришло за тобой девушка» -This came for you devushka "Спасибо"-thank you I walked back to the room and put the package on the bed "who's it from?" Nat asked "Tony Stark"

She opened the package, and the tracker and tracking device were in there. We left a note for the men and went to Ruberto's house.

"Ruberto, we want you to try to put this in Phoenix's bag without her noticing" I handed him the tracker "You're going try track her" He asked shocked. We shook our heads and he sighed. "₽5k($81)" I said, he sighed and put the tracker in his work bag. "Fine but if she kills me I'm haunting you guys till you join me one day" He pointed a finger at us and walked to his girlfriend.

I saw Nat roll her eyes before uncrossing her arms and walking out the door. After we left we went to see if Phoenix was still there. Of course, she wasn't, she must've moved to stay safe. "Well, if she knew we knew where she was, she wouldn't be around here. probably on the other side of town." Nat said

I sighed and agreed "Let's go back, I have mac n cheese and hot sauce waiting for me"

Nix's POV

I didn't go see Ruberto today, I was too busy trying to find a good hiding spot for the night. I did manage to find the festival stands again, I was able to get 3 oranges, 2 apples, and 3 waters which i was happy about. I was thinking about moving towns again, but I didn't want to leave Ruberto, I really liked him. he's the first person who hasn't shot me or at me.

I decided i would go visit him one more time before I moved along. I waited till the sun went down around 7:30 I think it was.

"Hey Phoenix!" Ruberto waved at me, and I waved back. "Want any Nuggets?" He asked, "No thank you I just had an apple" he smiled slightly. "Ruberto I- I need to talk to you" He shook his head up and down worried and told his manager I was here, his manager quite liked me.

"What's up" He sat down across from me "I'm moving towns" I looked down at my hands hoping he wouldn't lash out at me. "What?" He sounded hurt and confused. "I've been here for too long and you said the Avengers found me the other day so it's not safe here anymore" He sighed and shook his head in agreement. "Ya, your right it's not safe" Ruberto looks hurt, but I needed to move towns.

We talked about our week and the most random stuff for about an hour but soon he had to get back to working. "Hug?" he asked, I never got affection "Hug?" I tilted my head, I hadn't heard that word in a long time

He didn't wait for an answer and gave me a long tight hug and he sighed "Ruberto, you're squishing me" I said in a wheezy breath. "Oh, Ya sorry kid" He laughed awkwardly, I joined awkwardly. "Here Phoenix if you ever get a phone or find a pay phone, call me here's my number" He handed me a piece of paper with numbers written on it with black pen. I was confused at first but put it in my side pocket.

I walked out and we said our final goodbyes, being honest I really did feel bad for leaving him like this, but it was for my own safety and for the better good. I don't want Shield or anyone finding and hurting him.

Ruberto's POV

Phoenix had told me that she would have to move towns for safety. My soul was crushed but I knew it was for the better good. I offered her a hug, it was the first and last time we would hug each other. I hugged her for an extra-long time so i could slip the tracker in the bag.

I felt really bad about it, but I was doing it for the avengers, and plus I needed the money for me and Lea's rent. We said our final goodbyes when she was walking out of the building. I had also given her my number for when, if she got a phone.

After she left, I went to work and on my next break I called Natasha "She's moving towns for safety" I said Over the phone "What? She's moving towns?" "Ya... sorry Natasha" I sighed in disappointment, and I heard that she also did. "Did you get the tracker on her?" It was Yelena's voice. "Yes, it's in her bag" I looked down at the floor in sadness "Thank you Ruberto for the help" Natasha said.

I summed up everything me and Phoenix had talked about and before they hung up Yelena asked, "Did she by any chance tell you what direction she was going to go?" "No, but she did walk East which is left from here" "Thanks" Yelena said, and they hung up.

901 words

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