9- atlanta

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Today is the day we fly out to Atlanta for the table reading. Jo requested we all fly together and get there the night before since the reading is in the morning. My suitcase is sat in the corner of my room and I can't seem to keep my eyes off of it.

I should just unpack it and never go to Atlanta. I'll give Jo his money back for the ticket either way, I'll just tell him and Jamie I don't feel good. That's not a good enough excuse. Damnit.

The doorbell rung which made me groan out loud. I should've thought of excuses not to go earlier in the day because now I have no other choice.

I rush to the front door and open it to reveal Jo with his things. We were only going to be in Atlanta for two days then we are able to come back home until we start shooting in a couple weeks.

"How are you feeling?" Jo asked concerned but also seeming excited for himself. I tried everything I could to match his energy, but it was too hard and our circumstances are completely different.

"Like I'm about to shit myself, maybe." I let out a small laugh under my breath, weakly showing I was joking but us both knowing that's a lie.

Jo walked over to me and rested his hands on both my shoulders. I furrow my brows at the unreadable look on his face and waited for him to do something.

"It'll be fine, seriously." I've lost count of how many times he's said that to me. I nodded and pulled away from his grasp when another knock came from the door.

"When did we agree to all meet up here?" I now actually laughed as I opened the front door for Jamie.

"Nice place you have here." Jamie scanned the room as he pulled in his luggage.

We started our way to the airport early in hopes of getting to our gate in time. Jamie has been especially quiet on the trip there, quieter than I was which seemed to make me even more nervous.

"I know exactly how you're feeling." I catch Jamie's attention from the passenger seat while he sat in the back. He gave me a weak smile and tore our gaze by looking back out the window.

We got through security and all that other annoying stuff and got to our gate right on time. We began to board the plane and find our way to our designated seats. Jo had been separated from Jamie and I, leaving the most anxious ones left together to feed off each other's energy.

"It'll be okay." I find myself repeating after Jo with the words he's said to me for the past couple of weeks. It really hasn't made a difference on my feelings so I know it probably doesn't do anything for him either.

"I know, it's just new territory. At least we've got each other. I also heard there was another new member casted from the U.K, too. Maybe we can bond over that." I laugh at his joke and finally got settled in my seat.

It was about a 4 hour flight which wasn't terrible. I wanted to catch up on some sleep that I failed to get last night, but I figured the root of my sleepless night will be the cause of me not sleeping now. Which I was correct.

Jamie was able to nap for about an hour, leaving me alone with my thoughts of the worst possible scenarios. We eventually landed and my anxiety spiked even more. I honestly wish the reading was today so that I could just get it over with. I know I'm working myself up, but I really just can't control it.

"That was the best nap ever." Jo stretched his body out as we made our way to the luggage claim. I rolled my eyes at the fact Jamie and I barely slept.

We got our bags and started looking for the rental car Jo had already booked for us. I'm not used to the idea of traveling and taking care of things like that, so I'm glad Jo knows what he's doing.

Overkill // Joseph QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now