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After everyone left, I realized it was almost midnight. I had so much energy from everything that happened that I needed to work on the song more. I took out my laptop and started throwing some stuff together in order to make the instrumentation.

I've whole heartedly taken Sadie's advice and decided I wanted the production to be simple. The entirety of the song is based on the lyrics and I want to keep it that way.

Joseph decided to stay here with me which I didn't mind. Our time together has been very much appreciated. Even though he's fast asleep right now, having his body heat to comfort my own is more than enough. I figure out some more placements for everything and feel almost completed with the song. It's been a while since I was able to fully write and produce a song in one day, even though the process of getting to it took forever. I still don't know if I'm ready to set a release date with the fact that none of the songs are organized and I don't have a solid name for the EP.

Now the clock read 3 am, which I made the decision to stay up and finish what I can. We have an early morning tomorrow, getting things settled to leave for Griffin to film at another location. I felt on top of the world, but I know I would be regretting it tomorrow.

Joseph shifts in his sleep which draws my attention to him. I notice a small hint of glaze in his eyes, telling me he was somewhat awake. He scoots his body closer to mine and rests his head on my stomach, looking at my laptop.

"You need to get some sleep." He warns, finally noticing the time. I sigh and pull the screen to my laptop down. I put it over on the nightstand and sink down into the bed for more comfort.

Joseph pulls me closer against his body, allowing me to feed off his body heat and notice how tired I really was. I know I'll regret my late night in the morning but there's no way I can stay up any longer in this position. I hear mumbles coming from Joseph's half awake state which coos me to sleep.


The sound of an alarm blaring snaps me out of my slumber instantly. I groan out into the quiet morning air and roll over onto my stomach, noticing there's more room on the bed. I peek one eye open and notice I'm the only one laying down now. I fully open my eyes and notice something else beside me rather than Joseph; a note.

Good morning, love.
I woke up early and decided to get some packing done for our trip to Griffin. I set an alarm on your phone so you can do the same, just thought I'd let you sleep some more with your late night. I'm so very proud of you and I hope this process brings you to absolute felicity.
- XO J

I lazily smile at his written words and fold the note back up. After placing it in my bag next to the bed, I get up to start packing like I should have a while ago. The clock reads 6:30 am which means I have about an hour to pack and get ready for our trip. It's only about a two hour drive but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to catch up on some sleep on the way there.

With the excitement of having my final song finished has my energy levels higher than normal this early in the morning, so I finish all my packing and the rest of my morning routine with about 20 minutes to spare. I gather everything and start to head out of the room to grab a quick breakfast.

"Good morning, rock star." I hear Jo's voice as soon as I close the door behind me. I wipe at my tired eyes and give him a smile in return.

"I slept like 3 hours because of that song, it's pretty much finished though I think." I say as he grabs my suitcase to carry.

"I'll have to take a listen, I'm sure it's great." He smiles positively and I do the same.

The lobby is dead this morning considering the earliness of the day. I was welcomed with the smell of various breakfast foods as I exited the elevator.

Overkill // Joseph QuinnWhere stories live. Discover now