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I stayed in Ohio for another 5 days, mainly for Sara. We all got to have a big family night the last few nights I was staying there. I decided to wait to book my flight in case I wanted to stay longer which I knew wasn't going to be the case. I stayed a lot longer than I thought.

As soon as I landed back in L.A, I went straight to Drew's office. We had so much to catch up on and work on. I even brought Dixie with me along with all my luggage.

"Eden! It's great to see you." Drew welcomes me right as I walk through his office door. "Who's this little one?"

I smile and put Dixie down in her crate, "Her name's Dixie. She's my little best friend."

He wiggles his fingers around in one of the cracks of the crate door, Dixie enjoys it.

We get settled in and start briefly covering some things we need to accomplish and things we want to accomplish. We talked further about a future show in Los Angeles, aiming toward sometime next year. He explained to me that I need to have time to release more music so I can build more of an audience.

"You've already shocked me with just the EP. I can't imagine anything else you put out to be unsuccessful. You got anything?"

'8' crosses my mind, but it's still too soon and incomplete. I had the chance to fully finish Lonesome & Mad but I even hesitated with that one, but I ended up showing him.

"I think it's great. Let's get you some studio time so we can record it. Maybe post a little snippet of it, see what people think?" He suggests and I agree.

More business stuff took place and we slowly got off track by talking about my trip back home. I felt so comfortable talking to Drew about this stuff. I'm glad he's not 'strictly business.'

I grab all my things and start to head back to my apartment. I cant wait to just be home. Despite the trip to New York at the end of the month, I have no more traveling to do for a while. It's crazy how I used to dream about traveling, now I just want to be home.

We made it up the elevator and to the front door. I had to drop all my bags to catch a breath before unlocking my door. I pushed it open with my foot and immediately felt at peace with the familiar smell.

"Home sweet home." I whisper to myself.

I spend most of the day unpacking and organizing. Chelsea offered to swing by and clean whatever she could, I think she just tries to keep herself busy. I don't blame her. I smell hints of her own scent around the apartment from when she was here.

I showered and finally got settled in before a knock comes at my door. I had just got comfortable on my couch. I swing my legs over to stand up and answer it.

Joseph's POV

2 hours before Eden lands.

I rub my hands together nervously as the imaginary clock ticks in my head. I should've planned everything out a long time ago, I just needed to get myself on a plane first before I backed out.

Eden told me she would be flying back to L.A today, so I did too. I felt like it was time we see each other again, despite my nerves.

I grab my rental and make my way over to her apartment. I still have a little over 2 hours before she even lands, I have no idea what I'm doing.

I decide to walk up to her apartment anyways, maybe she landed sooner. I can't stand waiting much longer. I knock on the door and surprisingly get an answer.

"Joseph, right?" Chelsea answers.

I sigh, somewhat relieved it's not Eden. Not yet at least.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm guessing Eden isn't back yet?" I cut straight to the chase.

She shakes her head and gestures for me to come in, but I decline.

"No worries, I'll just wait. Thank you. It was nice seeing you." I reply politely and start backing away toward the stairs.

"Wait up a sec!" Chelsea calls from the hall.

I turn around and see her reluctantly catching up with me, seemingly having something important to say.

"I know it's none of my business, but you and Eden are pretty close right?" She asks.

I find myself frowning at the question. We are close, but not in the way Chelsea suspects.

"We are very close, I'd say. Why do you ask?"

She sighs, popping her knuckles nervously. "I just get a vibe between you two. Like I said, none of my business, but I just hope you both know that you guys are good for each other."

Eden has told me about Chelsea's 'sixth sense' and her love for the alignment of the stars. Her message touched me though, as it should, so I allow myself to believe it.

"Thank you, Chelsea." I say before walking away.

I tuck my hands deep into my pockets as I make my way back to my rental car. Chelsea's words run through my mind, causing my heart to go even crazier than before. I need to distract myself for the next 2 hours.

Eden's POV

"No way you're here right now."

I stand in the gaze of the dark brown eyes that I've missed so dearly. I stand frozen for several moments before it finally sets in. I embrace him, taking in a deep breath of his scent.

"You're really here." I mumble into his chest. I feel it vibrate from soft laughter.

"Of course I'm here." He reassures.

Anytime something like this happens, every negative thought goes away. It's both relieving and dangerous.

We catch up on some of the smaller things in life. He tells me about the time he spent with his family and I briefly go over the time with mine. He's heard about most of it, anyways.

"How long are you gonna be here for?" I ask hesitantly.

"As long as you want." He smiles, melting me.


"Wait a minute, let me finish. I know you don't care, but can you listen?

I came committed, guess I overdid it. Wore my heart out on a chain around my neck, but now it's missin'. Hm."

The nighttime is what always gets me. Past feelings arise and new ones intensify. Seeing Joseph again brought back so many emotions, both good and bad. It's hard to not let the bad bleed into the good and ruin it.

I quietly pluck at the ukulele in my music room, not wanting to wake Joseph up just a few feet away from me. The door is completely shut, and the room is sound proof, but I still fear of him hearing it. I hum out the rest of the song to avoid all of it.

I feel good about the song even though a lot of the feelings I had writing it have passed. The sadness is still there but it's easier to think about now that he's here. It's hard not to push them aside at a time like this. I'm glad he's here but I still feel weighed down.

My phone reads that it's past midnight, I need to get some sleep. What's even the point of staying up and dwelling on everything when I could be finding ways to fix it.

I'm too tired to now.

A message pops up from Maya, she'll be in the city tomorrow. I tell her that Id love to see her and that Joseph was also here, but she hasn't responded back yet. Weird.

I leave my music room at its usual mess and head to the bed I'm longing for. I'm mentally and physically exhausted.

I curl up next to Joseph, his body subconsciously reaching for me to hold. I feel a single tear slip from my eye.

I'm not sure if it's the happiness of being here with him or the fear of it all going to hell again.


yayaya joseph is backkk

i'm loving the motivation i'm having. i've been doing all of my writing late at night which is when my creativity seems to be at its peak, so i am super tired!!

i'm so glad to see there are still people here reading this story; THANK YOU !!!!!


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