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WARNING: this chapter will mention child abuse/child neglect


IN 1978 the 3rd of May in St. Mungos hospital a beautiful baby girl was born with gray blue eyes and light blond fuzz on top of her head born to a single mother who deemed herself unfit as a parent. That baby girl was to be named Liora Noir.

With not knowing where Liora's father was her mother as a young unprepared 17 year old girl had no choice but to give Liora to a foster home that was connected through the services of St. Mungos. Only able to see and hold her once, able to give her the name that meant so much to her. Though she wasn't prepared to care for Liora her mother loved her the moment she laid eyes on her it pained her to have to say goodbye but that's what she saw was best for her Liora.

Liora was given foster parents almost immediately. A pair of newlyweds wanting to do a good deed and have a feel of what being a parent was like. Her foster parents, Cheryl and Hank Gray. They were perfect they gave her all the love they had. She was the luckiest foster kid getting such loving parents.

That was until one day when Liora was merely four when everything changed between her and her parents. It was a beautiful sunny day her parents decided it would be a great day to sit in their yard and have a little picnic with little Liora. The day was perfect they even let Liora take her favorite toy dragon. Liora was running all over the yard in the nice warm sun pretending her dragon was flying her parents watched with pure joy in their face happy to see their little girl happy.

The look of joy didn't last long, Liora wasn't paying attention to where she was running and she fell. Her parents ran to her to make sure she wasn't harmed. She wasn't harmed but her toy dragon had broken. When she saw that it was broken she completely had a melt down when she looked at her parents she saw their faces turn from concerned to absolute terror but it wasn't her tantrum that phased them it was the fact that her hair turned from its natural blond to very bright red with dull blue tips. Liora was a Metamorphmagus.

After that day Liora's parents completely changed they weren't the loving people they once were. They acted cold toward the girl. No more bed time stories or lullabies before bed. No more daily strolls or picnics. Of course they continue to do the basics like feed and bathe her but other then that they pretended as if she wasn't there. It was all so confusing to the little girl. The people who she has once called mom and dad were now known as Cheryl and Hank. They no longer allowed her to call them mom and dad if she so much as uttered the words she'd be punished. They would take away her favorite toys and break them in front of her or not let her eat dinner if she even tried.

When she had reached the age of seven she had gotten used to the way Cheryl and Hank treated her. She didn't have control of the way her hair changed with her emotions or how her eyes had changed every time her parents yelled at her. All she wanted at the age of seven was control she thought maybe her parents wouldn't hate her if she had control. She had done everything that a seven year old girl could think of. She cut her hair thinking that if she cut it, it would stop changing but it only grew back. She tried to use Cheryl's wand and the spell she had saw Cheryl use to darken her few gray hairs, that attempt only resulted in her hair to set fire and for her to receive a burn mark on the right side of her neck. She felt helpless what was a seven year old to think.

At the age of nine she had given up trying for her parents she had gotten angrier. She started to become more rebellious. She had some control of her powers very little but some. She started showing up at dinner with different lengths and different colored hair everyday to upset the people who were supposed to be her parents who only ever just looked at her with pure disgust. She had found a way to get things such as dungbombs and other fun things of the sort from other kids around their neighborhood though she was rebellious she had many friends she was probably the kindest girl anyone had ever met. Every since she got her hands on those products she used them against Cheryl and Hank. When she got her first dungbomb she planted it to set off on her parents and she did plenty more pranks of the sort. Of course she was punished by them punishments being given no food or being locked in her room not being able to be let out no matter how much she banged on the door sometimes she was in there for a couple hours sometimes a couple days. She has gotten used to being hated by her parents. She thought things couldn't get worse. Oh was she mistaken.

It wasn't until she turned ten when she was snooping in a couple boxes in the attic that she found a file that had her name LIORA Z. NOIR in big bold letters. Right when she was about to open it she heard Cheryl call for her she immediately grabbed the file and hid it under her shirt. She had ran to her room and hid it in between her mattress to read later and went to see what Cheryl had wanted.

Later that night when she suspected that Cheryl and Hank had fallen to sleep she grabbed the file from the mattress. She didn't open it she just seem to stare at it curious to know what's in it. She stared at it for a while debating whether to open it or not of course she did. In the file it contained a picture of her as a baby but she was being held by a pretty blond woman that wasn't Cheryl. She moved the picture over and saw a paper it was her birth certificate but on it wasn't Cheryl or even Hank. It had the name Celeste Jones under mother and under father it had a very smudged unreadable name it almost seems purposely smudged. Behind the certificate was a paper from St. Mungos foster home giving full custody of Liora to Cheryl and Hank Gray. She had found out she was a foster child and suddenly everything made sense.

It made sense why it was so easy for Cheryl and Hank to give her the cold shoulder when she ended up different. It made sense why she had a different last name she never really questioned it due to being only ten and having to deal with cruel parents. What didn't make sense was why the women gave her away. It didn't make sense that even if Cheryl and Hank hated her they kept her.

That night Liora went to sleep with tons of questions swirling in her head. The next morning at breakfast Liora decided it was the best time to discuss with Cheryl and Hank about what she had found. When she had confronted them they looked shocked not expecting her to find out but soon the shock expressions turned from shock to anger.

After that day things got even worse for Liora. Cheryl and Hank didn't see her as their daughter at all the little that they did before was completely gone now. They stopped feeding her she would have to sneak out of her room to salvage for food. If she uttered a word to them they would either ignore her or explode and shout insults at her they stopped caring all together.

When she was finally able to go to Hogwarts that was her only safe place. That's where she was able to be her care free loveable self she met her four best friends there Eloise, Myra, Cameron, and E.Z. they made her life brighter they helped her cause her secret mayhem.

She was twelve when she was first hit she was sneaking food after hadn't eaten in a week and she accidentally dropped a plate and broke it Hank had heard and came rushing down and yelled insults at her being as stubborn as she was she exploded and yelled back that resulted in Hank striking her across the face.

As she got older the abuse only got worse sometimes it was Cheryl and sometimes it was Hank it wasn't until she was seventeen when she was finally able to escape she had earned enough money from doing people's homework for them and for tutoring people, finally with a summer job that she snuck out of her room window to get to and of course with the help of Mcgonagall was able to find a very small apartment which was basically a room with a bed in the middle with a door to the bathroom and a archway that lead to the kitchen. It was small but it was home.

Now going to be eighteen in her 7th year she felt free. She wanted to be able to enjoy her last year at Hogwarts stress free away from the abuse. She wanted to act like a child one last time before leaving and having to grow up knowing there's a looming war ready to happen any time now.


So this is the first official chapter I am so excited! So far I am quite pleased with what I have written I hope you enjoyed. Also I'm still kind of new to writing so I apologize if it isn't the best written.

With love Lily ♡

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