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WARNING: Very very brief mention of suicide literally just says 'suicide attempt' but I wanted to make sure everyone is comfortable.


ClASSES were finally over and Liora was excited to play some quidditch she hasn't played since last December and she couldn't wait. She walked to the Gryffindor common room alone having none of her friends in her last class which was Herbology. On her way she thought of many things she was still upset by the events that happened the previous morning she loved Harry she just didn't know when she would be able to have a talk with him without wanting to punch his face.

Liora has always had a bad temper it always took her longer then most to get over things which was mostly because of her stubbornness. Of course Liora knew this about herself, Harry was her brother not by blood but by bond and she didn't want to say or do anything more that she will regret. She didn't know how to speak with him. What would she say? She can't just say 'hey you really fucked me up the other day by bringing up my suicide attempt infront of everyone and now I really want to punch your glasses off your face but I love you too much and I could never hurt you and I do forgive you but I'm to filled with anger to actually talk to you' no she can't say that she'd look crazy. She was deeply hurt by Harry for someone so close to her to go so low as to bring that up that hurt worse then anything the Gray's have ever done to her. She knew they boy was just hurt and frustrated he was never good with his emotions and neither was she that's why she didn't blame him much and it was so easy for her heart to forgive but she couldn't just forget no her brain was far to stubborn.

She finally made it to the common room quickly changed her hair from the blue it turned to a bright Yellow so no one would question her. She entered the common room to see E.Z laying on the couch with his head on Cameron's lap and his feet on Myras. With Fred and Lee sitting on two armchairs and the golden trio as Liora like to call them sat on the floor. Eloise and George no where in sight probably because they both had potions in the dungeons.

"Finally you arrived I thought I was going to die of old age" Lee said while leaning back in his chair in a dramatic manner. Liora rolled her eyes as she walked over to her friends sat on the couch.

"E.Z get up you are taking up half the couch I need a place to sit" Liora said picking up a nearby pillow and throwing it in the boy's face

"You can always come and sit in my lap" Lee said in a suggestive voice giving the Liora a wink. Fred once again felt some sort of anger wash over him and he had no idea why. Liora knew Lee was just joking and didn't mean it any other way especially since last year Lee came out to her as gay knowing she would understand.

Liora fake gagged "Gross I rather sit on a cactus then sit on your lap Lee" Lee laughed and wiggled his eyebrows "you can't keep hiding your deep true love for ne RaRa" Liora rolled her eyes at him and shook her head.

"At least move your feet off myras lap please" Liora looked at the boy that was laying on the couch E.Z sighed and moved his feet but remained with his head on Cameron's lap. Liora smiled and sat on Myra's lap.

"Hello, lovely" Liora kissed Myra's cheek as E.Z put his feet into her lap

"You all seem quite close" They all turned to the entrance of the common room where the voice came from seeing George and Eloise standing looking at the group.

"Oi George come sit in my lap to show Liora what she is missing" Lee shouted George laughed and shrugged sitting down on Lee's lap. Lee looked at Liora with a surprised panicked face making her hold back a snort.

Eloise walked over to her friends on the couch she walked behind the couch and pushed E.Z off. "Ow fucking hell El that fucking hurt" E.Z rubbed his back as he got up glaring at Eloise as she sat next to Cameron. Eloise just shrugged E.Z huffed and flipped her off and went to lay across all their laps again making the group laugh.

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