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THEIR trip to hogsmead went very well everyone got along greatly with one another. They got some candies from honeydukes, they were dragged to zonko's by Liora, and then they ended their trip with some Butterbeer at the three broom sticks. It was now time for dinner they had made it just on time. No one questioned where they had been and just assumed they were all hiding somewhere for no particular reason. Of course people had their guesses but they were all wrong.

They sat at dinner eating happily making very loud conversation that had other tables staring at them but they didn't care. Liora noticed that Theo hadn't stopped smiling she knew it was genuine and it only made her happier. After dinner they decided to head to Gryffindor common room. Fred and Liora walked Slightly behind the rest hands interlocked finding comfort in each other.

"Ms. Noir may I have word with you" Liora heard Mcgonagall's voice behind them she gave Fred's hand a quick squeeze let go and turned around. She saw the look on Mcgonagalls face and knew it was important.

"Yes, Professor" she turned towards her friends who looked as confused as her "you lot go I'll see you all in a bit" they all nodded and Liora turned back to Mcgonagall.

"Follow me" Mcgonagall started to walk  Liora was walking behind her but quickly caught up to walk besides her.

"May I ask what I did wrong?"

"You did nothing wrong. You are not in trouble Dumbledore and I would like to have a word with you"

"Thank goodness I was quite worried. Didn't want to get expelled in my last year you know."

"You are a great student though you have caused a lot of chaos it was all in good fun. You have brought joy to this school on multiple occasions not in the right way but nonetheless your heart has always been in the right place. So you will never be expelled for having some fun though you will have to suffer the consequences"  Liora smiled at the professor she walked beside.

"Thank you, minnie I'm really going to miss you once I graduate. You won't forget me will you?" Liora loved Mcgonagall truly she did. Mcgonagall wouldn't admit it but she loved Liora just as much there were only a select few that she held dearly to her heart Liora was one of them.

"How could I ever forget the person who is responsible for most of my grey hairs I am your guardian after all and I take that roll very seriously." Mcgonagall had a small smile on her face they continued to walk quietly to Dumbledores office.

Mcgonagall went to the statue said the password "chocolate frogs" and the door to Dumbledores office opened. The two walked in Mcgonagall leading the way she went and stood beside Dumbledore.

"Ms. Noir thank you for joining us please have a seat" Dumbledore made a seat appear for the girl. She silently took a seat.

"May I ask why I was asked here professor?" Liora was confused on why she was there. She was told she wasn't in trouble what could it possibly had been. She started to grow worry. Did something go wrong with the guardianship? Are the Grays out of Azkaban? Does she have to go back with the G-

"No need to worry Ms. Noir no bad news. We simply want to ask you a few questions?" Dumbledore cut off her thoughts she let out a sigh of relief

"Ok professor" Liora gave a slight nod

"How much do you know about the order?" Liora froze a little she knew she wasn't supposed to know and she didn't want to get Harry in to any trouble for her figuring it out.

"What order sir?" Dumbledore gave the girl a kind smile

"The order of the Phoenix of course. It has come to our attention you know about it yes? And before you give us a answer we know you are a very smart witch we know Harry had nothing to do with you knowing. He isn't in any kind of trouble for you knowing" Liora let her shoulders drop relieved she hadn't got him in trouble she sighed.

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now