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Translations in the comments enjoy :)


THEY walked out hand in hand of course after a bit of arguing. Fred wanted to pay for Lioras things and she refused to let him. While they were arguing Liora distracted Fred by arguing and changing her hair at the same time and put enough money for both their items out of her bag placing it in the cashiers hand. "You know that was very rude of you" Fred started

"Rude? What do you mean I paid for your items. If anything that is very not rude." Liora crossed her arms letting go of his hand. He rolled his eyes at her dramatics unfolding her arms and grabbing her hand again "yes but I wanted to pay for both mine and your items" he pouted she shrugged "too late. I did it first. You were just to slow" he laughed and shook his head "I was not to slow you distracted me" Liora rose her eyebrow "really? How?"

He smirked and stopped their walking he grabbed her by the waist bringing her to him "not only are you very beautiful You're also hot when you argue. Who wouldn't be distracted" Liora knew he was trying to get her flustered but she wasn't going to let him win this time she wrapped her arms around his neck and moved closer to him "You think I'm hot when I argue? You should see yourself when you argue and try to keep your cool the way you flex your arm muscles so very attractive" Liora said in more of a whisper considering how close they were lightly touching his arm. Fred flushed red his ears burning his eyes blown wide and dilated. He tightened his grip on the girl his smirk disappearing his eyes shot down to her lips and back to her eyes. He started to lean in as did she.

"HEY! Move out the way. you're blocking the walkway!" A guy said bumping into Fred. Fred sighed moved them out of the way and placed his head on hers. "You won this round" he said with a slight frown she smiled and tried to pull away but he wouldn't loosen his grip. She looked up at him confused "since you paid for zonko's let me pay at the three broomsticks deal?" Liora smiled and rolled her eyes "fine. Deal" he loosened his grip allowing her to pull away he grabbed her hand once more and gave it a kiss "then lead the way mo réalta" and lead the way she did.

They soon made it to the three broomstick's "You go find us a seat I'll get us the drinks" Fred said giving Liora's hand a squeeze and walking over to the counter once Liora had nodded.

Liora found a table for them quite fast seeing as though it wasn't as full as usual being there was no other hogwart students. Liora couldn't get her mind off of what happened on their way there. It was pretty much a blur to her one moment they were flirting and the next she was leaning in and it looked he was as well. But that couldn't be. Could it? She didn't know she wants to assume the best but she knows she shouldn't because it would just be her emotions playing tricks on her. She couldn't help but let a goofy grin spread across her face knowing she had finally made him flustered as much as he had her before.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Fred placing two cups on the table and sitting across from her. Liora grabbed one of the mugs but Fred grabbed it from her hands. "Nope. This one is mine and this one" he moved the other cup in front of her "is yours." Liora looked confused "what's the difference?" He smiled proudly as if he knew something the girl didn't "I got butterbeer and you got tea. I say that's a very big difference"

Liora's heart started to race as her grin grew bigger than she thought it could "you got me a tea?" Fred nodded and smiled proudly "yes I did. I noticed you don't like butterbeer all to much. You do the scrunchy thing when you drink it."

Liora took a sip of the tea and hummed it tasted amazing just how she liked it. "Scrunchy thing? I like butterbeer I drink it all the Time. How did you know how I liked my tea?" Liora asked suspiciously Fred grabbed her hand caressing it with his thumb. "When you scrunch up your nose and ball your hands into a fist then you eat something to take the taste out of your mouth. You drink it because everyone else does and not because you like it you prefer tea I know that. I knew how you like your tea because I see how you make your morning teas every Friday as your treat for making it through the week. You put a dash of milk and three spoons of sugar and if you are feeling extra happy you will take a piece of your chocolate wand and put it in as well you like it to be hot but not so hot that it will scorch your tongue" Fred said in a matter of fact manner. Liora's face was blazing hot.

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now