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MYRA and Liora quickly made it to hogsmead through the secret passage without being noticed.

"Where do we get sheets?" Liora asked Myra who shrugged

"No idea"

"Nice let's look around then" Liora pulled Myras arm with hers

"So what's going on between you and Fred"

"Nothing. Same thing that's happening between me and George and between everyone and both of them. Friendship."

"You do know you can't lie to me"

"I'm not. Nothing is happening between us."

"Liora I know you. You fancy him and you can't tell me you don't because I know you do"

"I do. But it dosen't mean anything is happening between us its completely one sided and it will remain that way. What I'm feeling is very confusing right now so I would like to keep it to myself."

"That's not very healthy Li"

"What about you and Ravenclaw?"

"I told you I don't know what her views on blood status"

"Why do you think she is a blood purist?"

"She's friends with a lot of pureblood slytherins that don't like half bloods or muggle borns and she is a pureblood so I don't know if she shares the same veiws"

"Easy. Ask her. If she does then fuck her you could find someone better but if she dosen't you should take a shot"

"Maybe I will I don't know it's all pretty scary."

"I know"

"So back to you and Fred. There is obviously something going on. You two have gotten quite close"

Liora shrugged walking into a fabric store. "I don't think so. I mean we have talked a lot and I've told him a few things. But I don't know I think its all pretty platonic. Plus how would he react when he finds out we are behind the pranks he was blamed for, for years. That's a very big secret to keep from someone."

"Yes but you know they like the attention. Not only that but I've heard them talk about how brilliant they think the pranks are and wish it were actually them."

"For right now he dosen't need to know how I feel about him it's merely been a week I'm sure these feelings will pass. He might even get bored of me and stop talking to me who knows"

"Where is all your confidence and optimism? I think you and Theo are switching personalities lately"

"Speaking of which how long do you think it will take for Theo and E.Z"

"Not long E.Z seems close to cracking Theo's shell. But what about Eloise and Cameron like come on now you two have been having heart eyes since third year."

"I know right like get over the friends bullshit and get married merlin they are frustrating"

"You know I miss our outings together we need to do it more often and next time have Eloise with us"

"Yes the boys have been giving me migraines especially E.Z he keeps whining 'why dosen't Theo love me' it's getting quite annoying"

"You know the other day when we were in the forest?"

"Yes I was the one with the idea"

"Well you know how Theo put you in his lap? Well he did that to upset Fred because he saw that you got hurt by his words"

"Well funny it didn't work. Fred's right we just met. So I shouldn't be feeling the way I do."

"Liora are you blind. He was absolutely furious. The only reason he didn't go and rip Theo's head off like he looked like he wanted to was because George talked him out of it. He called you over to him because he wanted you away from Theo."

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now