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It was finally time for lunch it seemed as though classes had dragged on well at least it did to Liora. Liora sat on the Gryffindor table she was waiting for her four friends to show up from their class so they can all head to the lake for their meeting she sat across from Fred who seemed to be waiting for Lee and George he had already piled food on his plate.

"Are you not going to eat?" Fred asked Liora seeing her plate still empty the girl simply smiled and shook her head

"Not right now Eloise, Myra, Cameron, E.Z and I plan on having a picnic at the lake today they wanted to talk about some personal stuff so we decided to spend lunch together and then after classes meet the rest of you at the quidditch pitch" Fred nodded and smiled seeing the girl was excited

"That sounds nice" Liora smiled at him as he continued to eat his food. She studied him a little she liked his smile and liked the color of his eyes yes they were just brown but to her they weren't just brown they were always filled with so much joy and that made them beautiful to her.

She always admired the confidence the boy exuded and the way he carried himself but now getting to know him it was very different she noticed the littlest things he done that she noticed yesterday at the lake when they were talking she noticed how everytime he mentioned his family the biggest brightest smile would appear on his face she found it cute how he talked about his family with pure love, she noticed how excited he was when she mentioned the little pranks she did and how excited he looked talking about his and George's pranks, she noticed though he was confident he'd get shy if he thought he was talking for to long he'd start twirling his wand or tapping his fingers on his leg she thought it was cute that he rambled it made her comfortable, she noticed how comfortable he made her feel seeing as though they have only really talked once and that was yesterday.

Soon her thoughts were cut off when George and Lee joined. "Earth to RaRa" Lee said waving his hand in front of her face she hit his hand away

"Lee get your nasty fingers out of my face also I told you multiple times I hate that nickname sounds lame" Liora grumbled her cheeks turning a light pink noticing she was caught staring at Fred.

Lee put his hand on his chest and gasped "How dare you call my fingers nasty and my nickname for you lame" Liora laughed "Always dramatic" she mumbled

"IM DRAMATIC? Do you not remember last year when you were teaching me charms and I had to turn a flower that was in the middle of us from yellow to blue and I messed up the spell and it looked like it hit you and you took it upon yourself to scare the living shit out of me and pretended to pass out" Lee screeched the twins looked like they were trying to hold in a laugh as Liora started to laugh

"Oh yes I remember quite well actually I remember you got so panicked you started to cry" Liora said laughing  harder making the twins laugh along

"it's not funny that was a very traumatic moment in my life" Lee said dramatically Liora rolled her eyes 

"Oh get over it, was a joke you laughed after"

"Never" Lee shook his head the twins continued to laugh at the two as they continued to bicker.

Liora suddenly felt hands over her eyes  she immediately knew it was Eloise. "Guess who?" Eloise said Liora laughed

"I'm going to guess the love of my life if it's not I'm going to be very disappointed"

Eloise moved her hands "lucky for you, you were right" Eloise said as Liora turned to face her four friends

"guess I was wrong thought it was Myra" Eloise gasped then looked at Myra and then back at Liora "actually fair enough" Eloise said Liora laughed and got up and grabbed her bag

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