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LIORA continued with her day with blue hair. She didn't utter a word to anyone a simple apology to her professor for being late to class. She didn't speak to any of her friends it wasn't on purpose of course she was just to distracted to pay attention to anything. Harry's words hurt her because he was right she did keep things from everyone. She let's her pranks be blamed on the weasley twins. She didn't tell her friends about the abuse she received. She didn't tell her friends when she was going through a dark time and almost left them all. She didn't tell Harry about how she knew about their old professor and his God father. She lied to Harry about how she got her injury. It was all to much for her.

When lunch came around Liora decided to skip it and sit at the lake just to think. She didn't tell her friends but her friends knew she just wanted to be alone and let her be. Liora pulled out a cigarette and lit it she sat and looked at the lake until she saw in the corner of her eye a red head boy sit about two feet away from her. She looked over and the boy offered a small smile which she returned "Hey" the boy said Liora gave a nod "Hi fred" Liora said showing him she knew it was him and not his twin.

Liora looked back at the lake the two sat in silence. "What brings you here?" Liora asked genuinely curious not looking his way "saw you alone" Fred replied also not looking at her she let out a little chuckle

"That's why I'm here but I appreciate the concern" Liora smiled slightly

"I know but my mum always told me 'no one truly ever wants to be alone no matter how upset they are' I never understood that until last year when I was having a rough time I just wanted to be alone I felt alone but of course I was never truly alone I had George he just stood by didn't bother or try to talk through my problems he was just there thats when I understood what she ment I don't know what I would have done if he wasn't there" Fred told Liora still looking at the lake Liora hummed "that's nice want one" she mumbled offering the boy a cigarette which he took.

The two sat in silence for another fifteen minutes just enjoying the silence. Liora thought of many things her old foster parents, her friends, Harry, the twins, her pranks, Umbridge, her apartment, and her birth parents she always wanted to search she just didn't know where to start. She wanted to ask Mcgonagall but Mcgonagall has done so much for her already she didn't want to ask for more. She thought of her fears. Then she thought about the boy next to her. Why was he there? Why didn't she mind him being there? If it were to be anyone else she would have asked them to leave.

Liora was the first to break the silence after finishing her cigarette "You know I love lakes they are so calm and nice to look at. I like ponds and oceans too but with ponds they are so shallow if you fall you get hurt and as for oceans they are so big and deep it's easy to get lost. While with Lakes they aren't as deep nor are they as shallow but there is always a chance of drowning" she tucked her legs into her chest crossing her arms around them resting her chin on her arms Fred hummed finishing his cigarette.

"that is all true but that's only if your alone, you can get hurt in a pond but if you are with someone you can always have a laugh about it as they help you with a scrape of the knee. You can't get lost in the ocean if there are people with you to keep you from drifting. And you can't drown if you have the people who care to keep you afloat things are ment to be enjoyed with the people you love not alone no one truly wants to be alone" Fred told the girl who kept her eyes trained on the lake "yeah" she replied as tears came to her eyes Fred was right she didn't want to be alone.

"Thank you" Liora muttered now looking at Fred he looked over at the girl and nodded offering the girl a small smile in which the girl returned.

The two stayed at the tree sitting in silence until dinner missing the rest of their classes. Fred got up realizing its dinner he offered Liora a hand Liora just looked at it.

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now