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MONDAY night liora and Eloise had stayed up all night planning for the next day. It was Cameron's birthday the next day and they wanted things to go perfectly. Cameron didn't like big parties or places with a lot of people so they decided to plan a intimate party for him. Just the normal five of them along with the twins and the golden trio.

Liora had the job of keeping Cameron distracted. While the rest set up the prefect common room so they can all relax without fear of Mcgonagall coming and getting them all in trouble. She may have begged Mcgonagall into not coming to check until midnight.

it was the day of Cameron's birthday and it was time to put the plan in motion.

Classes had ended and and now liora was pulling Cameron around the castle. "Cam hurry up you are so sluggish i get that it's your birthday but it does not mean you get to be slow." Cameron laughed but kept up with liora

"So this is the birthday prank?" Cameron asked

"Yes just for you. Me and you have something amazing to do"

"Can you explain what we'll be doing?"

"It's as big as every year it's tradition that every year on your birthday we do something birthday related" liora slowed her walking down to a stop. She went behind Cameron and jumped on his back. He didn't mind it was all platonic she was his sister and he was madly in love with Eloise and he knew liora loved Fred. "Well this year I was thinking -turn right- that during dinner we ask the house elves to make the dessert cake. We do our potion thing and we make every cake have different effects like one makes you have a pig nose or turns you purple. Make sure it wears off after five minutes and then the cake spurts out confetti. What do you think?"

"I think it's brilliant. So to the astronomy tower then?"

"Yes sir I have the cauldrons and everything we may need for the potions"

"Thank you liora" Cameron said softly with a bright smile. "For what?" Liora was confused to why he was thanking her

"For making me feel accepted. For being a sister, I never had and always wanted. For seeing me for me and not some weird loner. When I sat in your compartment in first year when others told me not to because of your foster parents. I was scared when you found out I was a muggle born. I swore you were going to kick me out. But you didn't. You got excited, you asked me so many questions about the muggle world and you told me everything I had to know about this one. You made me feel welcome. Every birthday, you set up these pranks for you and I, knowing how much I love our pranks and doing potions. I'm thanking you for your friendship."

"I should be thanking you. You are the family I always wanted. The family I'd lay in bed and wish for. When you sat in our compartment and you answered all my questions without a single complaint completely genuine I knew you'd be my best friend along with the rest. I didn't know you'd become my family but I'm so happy you did. I love you so much cam and I'm not going to cry because this year won't be our last of friendship. You're stuck with me until we all die and even then I'll be getting on your nerves in the afterlife."

"Oh hell what did I get myself into" Cameron joked liora rolled her eyes and hit his shoulder

It didn't take long for them to get to the astronomy tower they looked around to make sure the coast was clear. They pulled out the cauldrons and immediately went to work. They made about six different potions in the short amount of time they had.

Liora had made one that turns the person's nose into a pigs snout, One that turns a person purple, and one that makes a person's nose grow two feet long. Cameron made one that turned a person's hair a very bright pink, one that makes a person as tall as a toddler, and one that one that turns a person's nose into a elephants trunk.

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now