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THE five friends had all fallen asleep during the ride to Hogwarts. Liora had half her body and head against the window of the train with one leg on the seat tucked into the other that was planted on the floor. Myra had her head back against the back of the seat with her legs propped up onto the table that was in between the two benches. Eloise had her head in Lioras lap and her legs in Myra's. On the other side of the table E.Z was leaning against the window of the train with one leg straight out in front of him and the other hanging off the bench. While Cameron who was asleep before E.Z with his head leaned up against the compartment door ended up laying on the side of E.Z both his feet on the floor with E.Z's leg in his lap.

Liora was the first to wake up feeling the train come to a stop. When she awoke she tried to stifle her laugh at the scene in front of her she reached onto the floor and grabbed her muggle camera that she had gotten from Eloise for Christmas last year. She took a picture of her friends all pressed amongst each other peacefully sleeping. The flash had woken E.Z up he rubbed his eyes and saw Liora with a camera in her hand he looked down and saw Cameron asleep on his side and groaned

"Cam I love you mate but you're crushing my ribs" He shook Cameron awake to relieve the pain that was shooting into his side.

Cameron had opened his eyes and saw that he was laying on E.Z he got up and stretched out his back

"Sorry didn't mean to" Cameron yawned still trying to wake himself up

"Will you guys shut up I'm trying to fucking sleep" they heard Eloise say tucking her head deeper into the space between the wall and Lioras leg.

Liora moved Eloise's hair our of her face "babes we are here the train has stopped we need to get off"

Eloise groaned at that lifting her head moving her legs from Myra's lap which resulted in Myra's legs falling off the table jolting her awake.

"Oi I was right about to marry a princess" Myra said hitting Eloise's head with the daily profit that laid on the table causing Liora to laugh

"Oww I didn't mean to" Eloise whined and pouted rubbing her head.

The boys shook their head and chuckled "alright I believe its time we leave this train" Cameron said getting up the other four nodded all getting up rubbing and stretching their sleep away.

The group exited the train and headed straight to the carriages with their trunks in hand of course after their mild argument about the boys wanting to be "Proper gentlemen" as Cameron put it trying to convince the girls to let them help with their luggage which the girls did not let them do much to the two boys dismay.

After putting their luggage in the carriage Liora almost immediately spotted a red headed boy followed by a girl with bushy hair and a boy with black hair of course recognizing them as Ron, Hermione, and Harry.

She rushed over to them standing between the friends slinging an arm over Hermione's shoulder and the other on Harry's

"My children how I've missed you so" Liora said with very exaggerated sigh squeezing the two kids that she had in her arms making them laugh as she pulled away

"Hi Liora it's very good to see you again" Hermione said with a smile

"Ah my little mione its great to see you as well I just wanted to check in on my favorite 5th years"

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now