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THE group of teens were now seated in the Gryffindor common room. Fred found himself sat next to Liora once again considering there were only so much places to sit. Liora looked at the group watching everyone talk and laugh. It seemed as though the Twins and Lee had fit right in.

"RaRa I never asked what happened with the durmstrang boy from last year" Lee asked starting conversation with the girl noticing she wasn't talking much "Eh it didn't work out don't get me wrong he was a great lad just too different from me he was all about rules and so serious. I guess I was too 'childish' for him but it wasn't serious anyway just a Yule ball fling" Liora answered with a small shrug seeming unbothered using her fingers as quotations around the word childish Lee laughed "I told you I would have taken you" He replied Liora waved her hand "I already said yes to him and plus you were just trying to find a way to avoid asking the person you really wanted to go with" Liora teased the boy. Fred listened to the conversation intently trying to get evidence for his case of course not for any other reason. Strictly for evidence.

George nudged his brother "we need to talk" he told his brother Fred nodded "well guys it was nice hanging out with you all but we have some business to attend to" Fred said getting up with his brother Lee quickly followed the action the group waved at them as they started to walk to the by dorms.

Liora got up and followed them she quickly caught up to one of the twins who had stopped having dropped something of theirs she tapped his shoulder the twin turned around and Liora recognized the twin as Fred

"Fred glad I caught up with you I just wanted to tell you guys thank you for telling Harry I was ok I really do appreciate it I know how worried Harry can get" Liora told the boy who smiled at her. She liked his smile.

"Of course no need to thank us well I'll see you around Liora good night" Fred told the girl she smiled at him "Have a good night Fred" she said as she gave a wave and walked away.

Fred was quite surprised Liora could tell him and George apart their family could barely even do that. There was something about the girl he had a feeling there was.

Liora made her way back to her friends seeing Ron and Hermione had left. She sat herself down next to Eloise.

"so where'd you go" Myra asked "I went to go tell the twins thank you for telling harry I was ok" Liora answered Myra nodded Liora looked at Eloise and then looked at the rest of her friends

"Guys I lied earlier" they all except Eloise looked at her confused "what do you mean? about what?" Myra said looking concerned "I didn't get cut by a rock Umbridge had me use a quill that engraved the words she had me write into my hand rather then it being on the parchment I was writing on the experience made the past come up in my brain and I had a panic attack and fainted by the black lake Snape saw me took me to hospital wing where I was bandaged and stuff" Liora explained to her friends E.Z and Cameron looked at each other for a split second and both immediately got up and headed out of the common room the girls all looked at each other and shot up from their seats to follow the boys

"can you two slow down geez I'm not built for this" Liora said trying to keep up they kept walking fast heading to Dumbledore's office

"Slow fucking down" Eloise said also getting out of breath while Myra kept In pace with the boys. Then suddenly the boys stopped making the girls bump Into them. They looked up and saw they were at Dumbledore's office.

"Guys stop there is nothing we can do Mcgonagall already said she'll talk to Dumbledore but Umbridge has straight connections to the ministry and will get away with everything" the boys ignored Liora and knocked on the door the gargoyle statue grumbled and asked for the password the boys kept knocking until they heard Dumbledore's voice telling them to come in the door opened and the teens walked in.

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now