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EVERYONE remained silent for a few moments not knowing what to say. Liora knew she was going to have to explain her 'condition' which may result in another argument with Harry.

"Can you guys say something? I would try to Crack a joke but I tired earlier and you all didn't seem to like it very much" Liora said with a sigh

"What was the jok-" George was cut off by Harry

"Why do you need medication? Why did you pass out?" Harry asked everyone went silent once again. Liora reached over and grabbed Eloise's hand for support

"I have a 'condition' you could say." Liora started

"How long have you had it?"

"Since I could remember but it didn't get bad to where I needed medication until my Second year"

"Why didn't you tell me? What is the condition?"

"I didn't want you to worry I know you. You would try to find a way to try to fix me but there is none. You forget that you are still a kid Harry. I rather you be a little brother then you try to look after me as if I'm the baby. I'm supposed to look after you thats why I never told you." Harry shook his head he couldn't believe Liora kept something like a condition from him

"What is the condition?" Liora sighed knowing he was upset

"Well I mean I didn't expect to tell George, Fred, Or Lee so early I guess I don't mind" Liora chuckled a little but no one joined "tough crowd. When I was in second year I had passed out in the library practicing charms. I was told I was just dehydrated and needed to eat. Then I went a week without doing magic and I passed out again. According to madam pomfrey I was as cold as ice. I was sent to St mungos I stayed about a week. I guess my magic you could say is different from everyone else's. If I don't use it I get cold as ice and it can very much weaken me but if I use too much I can get over heated both could potentially weaken my heart even stop it all together. The medication keeps me from using to much or keeps me stable if I haven't used enough. Today I was tired and I hadn't used much magic so when I did earlier I assume it was a shock to my body without the medication and made me pass out" Liora explained her situation the ones new to the news had sadness in their eyes

"I could have lost you and I wouldn't have known why." Harry said voice cracking

"I wasn't going to die it has to be a lot of power to kill me and and it has to be years without any magic to kill me. Which is good that I'm a Metamorphmagus because I'm constantly using magic because it keeps my hair changing. Speaking of which I have no clue why it's black. Do I look good with black hair?" Liora smiled at her friends who all had sad smiles seeing her joke and act as if it was nothing

"You look beautiful with any hair" Fred mumbled only Liora could hear and she looked at him and smiled

"Liora I wish you had told me. I know I can't help but it would have been good to know about your condition so I would know what to do in situations like this" Harry said

"I'm alive. I'm fine and I'm feeling way better then earlier. Stop fussing"

"How could I not fuss. You claim that I am your brother but you keep something this big from me?"

"Harry I know your upset. Trust me I get it but can we please discuss it later I promise you I am fine." Liora said Harry nodded

"Fine. I'll be back" Harry walked out Hermione and Ron looked at Liora apologetically before they followed.

"We better follow Ron isn't the best at giving advice" George said pulling Lee with him Liora knew what he was doing after he looked at Fred and smirked at her.

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now