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WARNING: Chapter will contain mentions of child abuse.


THE next morning Liora was the first to wake up. She climbed out of her bunk seeing her roommates still fast asleep she went to their restroom and got ready for the day she put on a black shirt and black pants not minding if they got wet later. She looked in the mirror and changed her hair from her natural blonde to a bright pink changing her eyes a couple times till she decided to stick to her natural gray blue eyes. She had gotten control of her Metamorphmagus in her first year she was scared that people would treat he like Cheryl and Hank did. As they years past by her 4th year she embraced it and started changing her hair color and length often and sometimes even her eyes most days she kept it her natural blond but she liked having fun hair it made her happy and others around her happy. She walked out the bathroom saw her roommates still asleep.

Liora reached over her bed and grabbed her pillow she looked down at Eloise and lifted the pillow over her head and hit Eloise with the pillow

"Liora leave me alone let me sleep" Eloise groaned not opening her eyes "come on we have to get to breakfast please" Liora said hitting her with a pillow again Eloise shook her head and put her blanket over her head Liora groaned and jumped on her

"get up get up" liora said sitting on top of the girl hitting her over and over again with the pillow "ok ok merlin your lucky I don't kill you" Eloise grumbled pushing Liora on the floor Liora huffed and crossed her arms as Eloise got up

"what has you so excited for breakfast" Angelina said from her bunk having just woken up from the ruckus

"I am just really hungry you know how much I love Hogwarts food Ang" Liora answered the girl with a grin on her face knowing she was telling the truth but not the full truth.

Angelina chuckled "yes, I forget how much you love to eat" Liora laughed

"what can I say I have a big appetite and a great metabolism" she shrugged

"If I didn't know any better I would think your parents didn't feed you" Angelina joked Liora and Eloise froze.

Liora chuckled awkwardly and looked at Eloise who had a very venomous look on her face "Hurry now go get ready talking about the food is making me even more hungry" Liora ushered the girl to the bathroom before she said or did anything because Angelina didn't know what Eloise did.

No one knew about Liora's living situation or her parents only Harry and Her other four friends knew about it. Everyone just assumed since Liora was a happy, kind, outgoing girl that she had nothing going on. But that was far from the truth. Eloise pulled Liora into the bathroom with the excuse she needed help with her hair.

"My love I think, of course if your comfortable, that it's time you tell the rest of our friends the real truth maybe not Angelina and everyone else but Cameron, E.Z, and Myra they only know about the words that were said to you they don't know anything else they have been very suspicious because you always been able to handle the words then out of no where you got an apartment their going to ask" Eloise said in a soft tone looking at Liora making sure she wasn't uncomfortable with the conversation

"I will, its in the past now I can talk about it I think I'll explain during breakfast because we're going to have to wait for the twins to get their and they take a while in the morning" Liora nodded and gave a sweet smile showing no discomfort in the conversation

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