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WARNING: This chapter will contain Child abuse and blood so please do not read if it may be triggering


LIORA was missing during lunch. Which only made the frown on Fred's face grow. Of course Liora wouldn't miss lunch purposely after the talk she had with George but during her last block flitwick had asked her if she could tutor a second year with their charms during lunch. Of course needing the money Liora agreed.

It was now dinner Liora was absolutely exhausted she was the first at dinner her day was full of catching up on classes, tutoring the second year and thinking about Fred. She did not want to see Umbridge after dinner or get scolded by Mcgonagall but she knew the consequences would only get worse if she didn't.

The rest of her friends soon joined her at the table but the twins were no where to be seen which wasn't really odd they usually arrive really early or late never in between. Liora kept and open seat besides her for when they did come in hopes Fred would take it. Of course that most definitely didn't go as plan. As soon as the twins stepped foot in to the hall they raced to Liora to take the seat George ultimately won after he shoved Fred onto the floor.

"Hello Gnome jizz you look quite horrible this evening did a bat shit in your food" George greated Liora making her laugh as Fred sulkily sat across from his twin seeing Eloise was across From Liora.

"Shove off carrot crotch. I had a rough day not only did I have to catch up on my work from last week that I didn't do because I didn't go to class but I had to tutor a second year in charms all day and let me tell you getting my hair singed six times was not a delight. Not to mention I've got detention with umbitch after this." George laughed wrapping his arm around her shoulder Making her grumble and making Fred scowl.

"Gnome jizz? Carrot Crotch? Where did those names come from?" Fred said with a frown upset that Liora was talking to George but not him

"Hold that question real quick Fredrick. Carrot Crotch if you don't take your nasty arm off me I will hit you so hard that I wouldn't be able to call you carrot crotch" George immediately moved his arm and crossed them in front of his chest with a pout "also switch spots with Fred he's less annoying then you" George let out an exaggerated gasp

"No I got here first"

"That's too bad carrot Crotch switch" George grumbled and got up he bent down to Lioras ear

"You just want to be able to hold Fred's hand" George Whispered making her hit him while he laughed she looked over where Fred was sitting and saw he sat next to Lee.

Liora pulled at George's sleeve for him to bend down "And you are only leaving so you can be sitting next to Lee" George's face turned red

"Fred switch seats with me I hate her" George looked over at Fred who looked like he was going to kill him. Fred got up nodded and moved around the table at the end of the table when they crossed each other George stopped Fred

"Liora and I that was nothing she was insulting me and I got embarrassed it wasn't any flirting in anyway I would not do that to you. Plus we have grown a certain bond that is completely and utterly platonic so you can cool down on the anger" George patted his brother's back and walked over to the seat next to Lee

Fred took the seat next to Liora and turned and smiled at the girl which she returned. "So carrot Crotch and Gnome jizz?"

"Your brother is an asshole said my ego is too big and I need to be humbled and said my hair which at the time was bluish yellow unintentionally may I add because I would never intentionally make my hair that atrocious anyway he said that my hair looked like Gnome jizz so I called him carrot crotch for obvious reasons I'm assuming a baby carrot but I rather not know the answer" George gasped

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now