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LIORA was shaken awake the next morning by a very excited Angelina.

"Get up get up quidditch day my new favorite chaser"

"Hey I am right here" Alicia pouted and crossed her arms Angelina rolled her eyes and kissed the girls cheek to which she blushed to.

"I'm trying to get her out of bed I don't mean it"

"Thanks ang makes me want to get up even more" Liora rolled her eyes

"Put away the sarcasm and get up I'm sure there's a red head waiting for you at breakfast" Eloise said wiggling her eyebrows

"Yeah I'm sure Ron is waiting for me with Harry" Eloise laughed at Liora’s response Liora sighed and got up

"What time is it?"

"It is 8AM"


"Yes" Angelina shrugged being a normal time for her

"I hate you all" Liora got up and stomped her way to the bathroom with her quidditch attire knowing she won't be back to redress for tryouts later and seeing Angelina and Alicia already dressed.


"FUCK OFF" Liora rolled her eyes and changed her hair to green for slytherin out of spite. Liora looked in the mirror and smiled excited. It was her first year being able to play quidditch for her house of course she had to go to Mcgonagall after breakfast for her approval but she knew she'd get it and she couldn't be more excited. She smiled proud of her green hair knowing it would get a reaction out of Angelina and walked out.

"Ok I'm ready" Angelina looked up from what she was doing and her mouth dropped

"How dare you" Angelina said completely baffled knowing Liora picked green out of spite

"Whatever do you mean?" Liora smirked and grabbed her small bag that she takes everywhere. Angelina shook her head and got up.

"Let's just go to breakfast" Angelina grumbled making Liora laugh knowing she got her.

The four Gryffindor girls made it to the Great hall and headed straight to Harry, Hermione, and four red headed siblings. Liora was pushed by Eloise to sit next to Fred which of course Liora didn't mind but still gave Eloise the bird. The group who were having their own conversation immediately stopped and greeted the girls.

"Good morning Liora" Fred said after Liora gave a kiss to Harry's head as she sat down. Liora turned to the boy and smiled she couldn't help but to think of her previous realization. Little did she know Fred was thinking of the same thing along with how suspicious it was that he and Georgehad found a plan to a prank that was made years ago with initials on it placed perfectly where they set up to sell their products. He shook it away knowing he and George agreed to not bring it up to her and to keep it as evidence until they have a solid case.

"Good morning Fred" Fred smiled and Ron coughed making Liora look over at him.

"I have a question" Ron started while looking at Liora.

"I may have an answer go on" Liora nodded

"So I think I'm quite handsome don't you" Liora smiled at the boy not knowing where this is coming from

"Is that the question?" Liora was extremely confused Ron nodded with a blush. "Ronnie where is this coming from?"

"Well before you came the twins were saying I look like a toad to which I think is quite unfair" Liora and Eloise made Eye contact. Eloise turned to George and Liora turned to Fred both shooting them a harsh glare. Fred and George shrunk in their seats knowing they were in trouble Liora and Eloise hit the back of each boy's head.

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