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AFTER the day of the hogsmead trip things had changed. Umbridge somehow found out about the idea of a meeting and had made another rule that all teams, societies, groups, organizations, and clubs ran by students were disbanded and needed approval to reform. Angelina was absolutely livid they still haven't gotten permission to reform the Gryffindor quidditch team as slytherin had gotten approval almost instantly. E.Z wasn't doing much better he was constantly thinking of ways to have Umbridge allow the hufflepuffs to reform.

That wasn't the only thing that had changed. Liora had been distancing herself from Fred not to where it was noticeable to anyone else but him. She thought she was too clingy constantly being carried and holding his hand. She thought she was in the way of Fred talking someone prettier. Seeing as though rumors have been going around that they were dating though as much as Liora wished they were, they weren't. The hogsmead trip had opened her eyes why was she acting as if she was his girlfriend if they weren't together? They were just friends and Liora needed to act that way and treat him as she treats all her other friends.

Fred noticed how distant Liora had become. Everytime he would wrap his arms around her waist she would move out his grasp and pat his arm. She would pick Theo or E.Z to carry her around most times or just walk on her own hardly ever getting carried by him anymore. The flirting was at a minimum he would flirt and she would flirt back but then quickly change it to a joke. There was no more game of who gets who the most flustered. Fred didn't know what caused the change but he hated it. He wanted their old banter back where she allowed him to hold her. He wanted to carry her around and for her to give him a random peck on the cheek every once in a while. He wanted to hold her hand without her pulling it away. He wanted her to choose to sit next to him at every meal. He wanted things to go back to how it was but he didn't know how to do it. He still had no idea what he had done wrong during the hogsmead trip. He knew Lee and George had talked to her. Maybe they had something to do with her anger towards him? He didn't know but he sure as hell was going to find out.

Today Liora and Fred had potions together. They sat next to each other of course Though Liora chose to stop flirting with Fred they were still friends and she didn't want to lose that over her feelings for the boy.

"Good morning, Fred" Liora said with a smile hearing her call him by his name rather then Fredrick, Freddie, or even Big boobs stung him. He wanted to be her Fredrick. He wanted to be her Freddie. He just wanted to be hers.

"Good morning, darling" Fred said grabbing the leg of Liora's chair and pulling her closer to him. Liora smiled but scooted her chair a little ways away from him.

Before they could talk any further Snape dramatically walked into the classroom he stood straight in the middle staring everyone down making sure they remain quiet. "Today we will be reviewing the amortentia potion this will be part of your N.E.W.T.s just as it was on your O.W.L.s. Now turn to the correct page and get started" Snape had told them what they needed to do and if they had questions then that was just to bad because he was not one for questions.

Liora started to get nervous. If she knew she would have had to do this potion again and with Fred she would have dropped the class but now it was a little to late for that.

Fred wasn't nervous at all actually he was excited to see what Liora would smell. Everything in him hoped she would smell him.

"So we should get started" Liora said not even bothering to open her book having most potions memorized

"Is Ms. Smarty pants not going to open her book?" Fred teased as he opened his she shook her head and rolled her eyes

"No she is not. But you are going get the ingredients while I put In the cauldron water and start the heat." Liora looked at Fred who nodded with a smile not minding being bossed around by the girl "the ingredients I need you to get are ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, pearl dust, and rose petals"

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