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WEDNESDAY had flew by fast it was now Thursday. For Eloise and Cameron Wednesday was the greatest day of their lives. They had made more invisible potion but not only that Cameron had confessed his feelings for the girl. She of course felt the same and was ecstatic they decided to keep it to themselves for a while but Eloise could not keep it from Liora or Myra so she immediately told them to which they were so happy for her Lucky for Liora she earned ten gallions. Little did Eloise know Cameron couldn't keep it from E.Z that's his best friend after all.

It was Thursday now though and Liora was sat in a secluded area in the library catching up on all her class work while also enjoying her time alone. Thursdays were her days of peace where she hid from everyone and stowed away in the comfort of the library. Everyone knew Thursdays was her off days where she would be the calmest. Her friends knew there was days she liked to be left alone and those days were Thursday. They knew how busy she could get Mondays being her tutoring days, Tuesdays were reserved for planning and just playing tiny pranks, Wednesdays and Sundays she had work at honeydukes and she usually came back exhausted but still managed to act remotely normal. Fridays and Saturdays are the times her big pranks usually were set up or took place but with now being apart of quidditch Fridays were her practice days.

Liora was working on charms when she spotted two red headed twins heading her way. That's when she remembered what Lee told her about them wanting to question her she hopes she could talk her way out. Both twins sit on either side of her she didn't look up from her textbook.

"Hello carrot crotch, big boobs" Liora said with a smirk

"Hello gnome jizz" George ruffled her hair making her hit him

"Hello darling" Fred pulled his chair closer to hers and put his arm on her chair.

"What can I do for you two?" Liora looked up at them

"We just have a few questions"

"Yes just a few"

"May I ask what about?"

"Just things" George said with a shrug Liora leaned back in her chair wanting to have contact with Fred without making it obvious and nodded.

"Go on"

"First question how did you know Charlie?"

"Well I told Fred Already. He helped tutor Me in Care for magical creatures in my Second year" Liora said confidently

"Well sources say that you are extraordinary at care for magical creatures ever since first year. Sources say you helped them pass ever since first year so why would he need to tutor you" George said Liora thought for a second and smiled

"If your sources is Cameron you should know anyone is extraordinary at care for magical creatures to him because the animals and creatures tend to hate him so that should say a lot. You are right though it wasn't really turtoring for care for magical creatures it was more of mentoring me and showing me new creatures and showed me new books about dragons that second year me had no idea where to find. Your brother through Mcgonagall found out I was heavily interested in dragons and other creatures and was asked to be a sort of role model mentor to me. That's how I knew your brother" Liora was remotely telling the truth not telling the real way they met.

"How do we know your telling the truth?" George asked still suspicious

"Well considering he is your brother and you do have contact with him may I suggest maybe I don't know asking him through a letter" Fred chuckled at Liora's remark

"Ok Fred next question" George said trying to be serious but failing

"Where were you at Breakfast during the big prank last week?"

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now