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FRED woke up to being hit in the face by a pillow. "Get up we have things to talk about" George told his twin Fred groaned but got up he saw that they were up quite early "so early" Fred grumbled as he got up and went and got ready for the day.

Once he was done he saw George standing by the door leaning against the wall charming things into the air with his wand. "Let's go to breakfast I need food since you woke me up so early" Fred said walking to the door George followed his twin.

The two red headed Twins made it to the Great hall and sat at their designated table. They were there before a lot of people including their new friends. They piled food onto their plates getting some of the good toast before anyone else could.

"So what was the whole 'I'm going to ditch my twin and sit at the lake all day with the suspect' thing?" George asked his twin Fred shrugged not knowing really what to say "I saw her alone you know what mum always told us I felt bad for what Harry told her Yesterday morning well what he told all of us yesterday morning so I stayed with her" Fred said truthfully George nodded

"I get that what did you two talk about before dinner? And why did you go back with her after dinner?" George Knew his brother and knew what he said was not completely true but let it slide.

"I told you guys yesterday we didn't talk much she asked why I was there I told her what I just told you minus the Harry part and then I told her what mum used to tell us and then we sat there without talking until Dinner" Fred said leaving out the conversation he had with her about the ponds, lakes, and oceans he felt as though that was something personal that she shared with him that he will not utter a single word about.

George knew he was hiding something but didn't push knowing it probably wasn't his place to say "I went back with her for the same reason no one should be alone and I noticed her plate was still filled with food so I brought her some" Fred said like it was no big deal "and then what did you two talk about Because I noticed her hair was yellow" Fred smiled remembering the conversations he had with her it felt nice to have someone to talk to and joke with that wasn't just his twin or Lee he figured out how sarcastic and funny Liora was.

"We talked about random things just asked about favorite colors and stuff nothing like serious" Fred said kind of truthfully George nodded.

Fred didn't really like keeping things from George but he sure wasn't going to tell him that the girl didn't have a favorite color because she looked beautiful in every color but he loved seeing her with yellow hair, he wasn't going to tell him that she loves animals and her face lights up like a child on Christmas when talking about her old pet niffler, He wasn't going to tell him about how the girl had a fear of muggle toasters and that he found that adorable, He wasn't going to tell him that she told him about how when she was younger she put dungbombs in her parents rooms and bathroom because she had no one else to test it on, and He sure wasn't going to tell him that when she got shy she will wrap her  right index finger onto her left or how Her smile was probably the most beautiful smile he had ever saw or how her laugh filled him with warmth that he had never felt before. He would never tell his twin any of this, he wanted to be selfish and keep it to himself he wanted those conversations to be only his and Liora's and he hoped she felt the same.

"it's Friday we still don't know how we both can get her alone to talk about her yes there was yesterday but that would just be cruel to use her in a vulnerable State remember Lee said he'll help and tell us the days she's in the library and I'm sure it will be soon considering she missed her classes two days in a row" George said taking a bite into his bacon Fred nodded in the back of his brain he hoped it was Liora behind the pranks it would be great maybe she would even help them.

"Hello Fred, George" Liora said sitting across from the twins with Eloise by her side Fred's smile grew seeing her "good morning Liora, Eloise" Fred replied looking at the girl infront of her.

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