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IT was now Monday, Sunday had flew right by. For Liora it was now start of the week full of detentions and planning for Saturday. She had no motivation to get up especially since her first class was Defence against the dark arts. Eloise had to basically drag her to breakfast much to her dismay. Eloise has been more protective of Liora since yesterday when she had told her what had happened the day before.

Surprisingly to everyone Liora has went back to avoiding Fred and George. She was far to embarrassed about Saturday not only did she cry infont of the boy she liked she had danced with him and fell asleep on him. To others that's not a big deal but to her she felt like she dug herself a hole she couldn't get out of. Her feelings started to grow more and that scared her she hated being vulnerable and he made her feel like that she didn't want to be weak.

Fred realized she was avoiding him and was confused on why. He didn't know if he did something wrong or if he said something wrong but he was going to find out. Once he got to the Great hall he saw Eloise and Liora already sitting down he noticed an empty seat next to her and rushed to sit there George sat across from him.

"Good morning girls" the twins said at the same time. The girls turn to them and gave them a smile "good morning boy's" Eloise said first Liora gave a quick smile finishing the food in her mouth "good morning. Eloise I forgot I left my transfiguration textbook on my bunk and I won't have time to get it later after first block before second so I'm going to go grab that tell E.Z I'll meet him in class will ya?" Eloise sighed knowing she was trying to avoid the twins and there was nothing she can do she nodded. "Thank you my love" Liora gave her a kiss on the cheek and quickly left.

Fred frowned seeing the girl leave as soon as they arrived. He looked at his plate losing his appetite. "It's not you fred" Eloise said Fred turned towards her "What?"

"It's not you, you didn't do anything wrong. Liora gets like this sometimes she hates getting close to people she's afraid."

"She's scared of me?"

"Not exactly. I can't really say but I can tell you it has nothing to do with you."

That didn't seem to help Fred at all actually made him even more upset. Maybe he shouldn't have went after her maybe he made her uncomfortable.

"Right Freddie?" George asked snapping Fred out of his thoughts. He looked up to see the rest of the group had arrived

"Huh? What? Yeah" Fred didn't know what he was being asked he wasn't listening to what they were discussing.

"Are you ok fred?" Myra asked concerned not seeing a smile on his face like there usually is

"Of course I'm great" Fred quickly shot Her a smile she nodded and turned back to her conversation with Lee not wanting to pry.

Soon the great hall was dismissed for students to get to their classes. Everyone noticed the change in Fred he was walking to class expressionless ignoring people who waved and smiled at him of course not purposely he was just too stuck in his thoughts to focus on anything else. He knew it was going to be a long day.

Liora was also stuck in her thoughts so stuck she barely realized she had ten minutes to get to her first block. She quickly grabbed her bag and rushed out her dorm.

Liora was five minutes late when she arrived outside the door of defense against the dark arts. she took a deep breath not ready to deal with Umbridge and walked in.

"Ah Ms. Noir so good of you to join us detention with me after dinner for being late."

"It was only five minutes come on I had to get my textbook from my dorm its not like I'm thirty minutes late it's only five bloody minutes"

𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒆𝒔 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆, 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆《𝑭. 𝑾𝑬𝑨𝑺𝑳𝑬𝒀》Where stories live. Discover now