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THE Friends all finished getting ready for dinner all meeting in the great hall. This time they all sat differently then they usually did the once three separate groups where now fused into one big group. Liora sat across from Eloise in-between Fred and Harry. While on either side of Eloise sat George and Cameron. On the other side of Harry sat E.Z across from the two of them sat Hermione and Myra. Ron sat next to Cameron across from Lee who was sitting next to Fred. This came as quite a surprise to fellow Gryffindors that has never seen the three groups interact so much it was also a great surprise to Mcgonagall who sat in the front of the hall watching fondly as the group laughed and talked amongst each other.

"What are you staring so fondly at Minevera?" Dumbledore asked in a hushed tone Mcgonagall let a small smile appear on her face "I believe a wager is in order Albus" Dumbledore looked over to where Mcgonagall was looking "Ah I see and what or whom shall the wager be about?" Mcgonagall looked closely at the group "I believe that Ms. Noir and a certain weasley Twin may have something in the works between them" Dumbledore took a long look as well "I believe you may be correct but I also believe they are both one in the same and too blind to admit it" Minerva nodded "I wager that Ms. Noir and Mr. Weasley will be together before the Christmas break" Dumbledore smiled "I wager it won't be until the end of the school year" they both smiled and looked back at the group fondly.

Liora liked how everyone got along she also liked that Fred chose to sit next to her. Harry had decided to take a chance and sit next to her as well of course she didn't mind. "Liora?" Harry asked timidly not wanting to upset her even more. Liora saw this and she knew she had to talk to him. She knew he was just a frustrated kid holding the world's weight on his shoulders he didn't mean to reveal what he did that day.

"Yes Harry?" Tears welded in Harry's eyes "Can we talk please" Liora nodded and got up from her seat giving a quick pat on Fred's shoulder "can you watch My bag please" Fred nodded "course" Liora looked over to Harry and placed her hand out for him he took her hand and got up from his seat. Liora pulled him to the exit into the halls taking a seat at a nearby bench.

Harry cleared his throat "I- I just-" he shook his head with tears in his eyes "I just want to say I'm sorry I'm an idiot. You aren't a Liar I know that I- I was just so mad you didn't tell me how you actually got hurt. I know now you were just trying to protect me like you always do and I should have listened to you you're right. There is no excuse for what I said I shou- I shouldn't ha- I shouldn't have said what I said I don't know what was going on in my head its been so foggy lately and I was just so angry something dark just took over I don't know what to say I know a sorry won't fix the hurt that I caused because what I did I deserve for you to hate me. I'm sorry Liora I'm not asking for you to forgive me I just want my sister back" Harry was now looking at his lap with a few tears rolling down his cheeks. Liora saw how much their argument had got to the boy she hated that he thought she hated him.

"Harry look at me." Harry looked up from his lap and looked at Liora who now had a few tears coming from her eyes. "What you said did hurt me and I'm not going to sugar coat it. But I know you have a lot going on and you are just a kid that doesn't excuse the fact that what you said was wrong but it is an explanation. I don't hate you I could never hate you I love you so much we may not be blood related but you will always be my brother no matter how angry you get me and no matter what you say. So don't think for a Second that I hate you because then I will have to kick your arse. I am still upset but I forgive you I know you didn't mean for it to slip it was a dark moment and you did catch yourself though not fast enough but you did try to stop. Now stop crying because you are making me cry and you know I hate sappy shit" Liora wiped the boys tears "so you don't hate me?" Liora pulled Harry into a hug "I could never" they sat their embracing each other for few more seconds before Liora pulled away getting up and wiping her tears away. "Come on they probably think I killed you" Harry laughed and followed Liora back inside the great hall.

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