1. Shot and Killed

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Hi my name is Luna Torrez and I love Avatar The Last Airbender. I’m currently rewatching it for the billionth time.

“Oh my god can you please shut up Katara?! Like I get it your mom died but you don’t have to bring it up every episode. You don’t see Sokka doing that do you?” Luna yelled in exasperation.

It was about midnight when Luna was watching the show, you see she was about 17 years old and she lived alone. She moved out of her parent’s house not too long ago so that she could attend college.

She loved living alone, the freedom it gave her. By freedom she means being able to stay up all night binge watching ATLA. Aang was so sweet and she kinda hated Katara for messing with his feelings a little.

I mean the boy was already stressed out from trying to master all the elements and defeat the fire lord, she felt bad for him. Not to mention Zuko, he definitely deserved better. His father was terrible and there was actual proof from that. What kind of father gives his son a scar like that on his face?

To Luna, Zuko’s real father was Iroh, the way he took care of him no matter what, and the way he never forced him to do anything he just supported all that he did. If Zuko wanted to catch the Avatar then Iroh was there next to him. She felt bad for Iroh too, he lost his son to the war.

But as much as Luna loved Aang, Momo, and Appa she was just too fascinated by Avatar Roku’s dragon. She loved dragons they were her favorite animal. There were so many different types in old mythology, she even read that there were dragons representing each of the elements.

Water, earth, air and fire. The most commonly known one was fire but the one that caught her eye the most was the yin and yang dragon. They take the energy of two dragons, each following the tail of the other, to keep things in balance and they come into play whenever a conflict situation arises.

She read about a Yin and Yang dragon that was born with the powers of both fire and water to keep it perfectly balanced. The thought of two things that usually clash together getting along in harmony was something she always wanted to see.

Currently Luna was watching Aang battle Fire Lord Ozai and watched him take away his fire bending, personally she felt he deserved to die but she knew how Aang felt about that and she respected that about him. There were no other people that would spare someone to win a war instead of killing them.

As she was invested in watching the scene on the screen in front of her there was a loud sound of her front door being broken down. She heard multiple people come into her house and by the sound of it they were all men.

“You grab the valuables. You check the rooms make sure there’s nobody here and if you find someone kill them.” she heard one of them instruct the others.

But unfortunately she didn’t even have time to hide before one of the men barged in her room and he saw her. He seemed to not want to do it but he hesitantly pointed his gun at her and whispered “I’m so sorry.” with tears in his eyes. Then he pulled the trigger.

The man knew that he had to kill her so he did it quick, he aimed it at her heart and shot his bullet. He said a little prayer for her to find peace and moved on as to not be caught by the other people.

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