17. The Newly Refurbished Chamber

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~City of Omashu Palace~

The Gaang were all sitting at a table with multiple plates of different foods laid out in front of them. Luna was the only one of them who seemed relaxed and comfortable there well besides Momo that is. He was on the table eating all the food he wanted.

Aang and Sokka both looked a little uncomfortable and awkward with this being the results of them destroying public property. Also the fact that the King was standing right behind their chairs didn't help relax them either.

"Hehehe the people in my city have gotten fat from too many feasts. So, I hope you like your chicken with no skin." the King said picking up a skinless chicken leg and offering it to Aang.

"Thanks, but I don't eat meat." Aang denied politely.

"How about you? I bet you like meat." the King said turning to Sokka and before Sokka could respond he put the chicken leg in his mouth making Luna giggle quietly while she covered her mouth to hide the fact that she was laughing.

"So tell me young bald one, where are you from?" the King asked after he walked over to the other end of the table where his seat was.

"Uh I'm from Kangaroo Island." Aang said with a smile.

"Oh, Kangaroo Island, eh? I hear that place is really hopping." the King joked and looked at them with an expectant look waiting for them to laugh but the only person who gave any reaction was Luna. She giggled but this time she couldn't really hide it making everyone turn to her.

"What? I think it's funny. It's not my fault you guys have no sense of humor." Luna said causing Aang and Sokka to gasp and look at her like she offended them in the most absurd way. Although Luna paid no mind to them as she put more food on her plate and handed Momo some food that she thought he would like.

None of them noticed that the King watched them with a fond smile on his face like he was remembering something from the past.

"All these good jokes are making me tired. Guess it's time to hit the hay." the King said yawning. Then suddenly out of nowhere he pulled out a chicken leg and threw it straight at Aang's head.

Aang gasped as he acted quick and tilted his chair back to delay its impact on him before he used his air bending to stop the chicken leg and bend it in a ball of air.

Everyone in the room (besides Sokka, Luna, and the King) all gasped in surprise of the air bending that Aang did.

"There's an air bender in our presence, and not just any air bender... the Avatar." the King declared, standing up from his chair.

"What? No. Me? An Airbender? No" Aang said with his voice getting higher and higher as he dropped his hands to his sides making the air around the chicken leg stop moving and causing it to drop down onto his plate.

"Yes, you are an air bender. Now what do you have to say for yourself Mr. Pippenpadlopsicopolis?" the King asked sitting back down on his chair and leaning forward with a smirk.

"Okay, you caught me. I'm the Avatar. Doing my Avatar thing, keeping the world safe. Everything checks out, no fire benders here." Aang said giving up on his lie and lifting up the tablecloth so he could pretend to look for a fire bender under the table.

"So, good work, everybody. Love each other, respect all life, and don't run with your spears." Aang said as he grabbed Luna and Sokka and started walking towards the exit with a smile.

"We'll see you next time." he said with a smile before it dropped when the two guards at the doors crossed their weapons to block the doorway preventing them from escaping.

"Hey, you can't keep us here! Let us leave." Sokka demanded.

"Lettuce leaf?" the King questioned picking up a lettuce leaf and taking a bite of it.

"Okay, we're in serious trouble. This guy is nutso" Sokka whispered to Aang.

"Tomorrow, the Avatar will face 3 deadly challenges. But for now, the guards will show you to your chamber." the King told them.

"My liege, do you mean the good chamber or the bad chamber?" the guard standing next to the King asked.

"The newly refurbished chamber." the King said.

"Wait, which one are we talking about?" the guard asked confused.

"The one that used to be the bad chamber...until the recent refurbishing, that is. Of course, we've been calling it the new chamber, but we really should number them" the King explained looking thoughtful.

"Take them to the refurbished chamber that was one bad." he called out to the guards that were leading the Gaang away before continuing to munch on lettuce.

~The Newly Refurbished Chamber that was once bad~

One of the guards that were leading them to their new chambers used their earth bending to bend a makeshift entrance to enter a room and shoved them into it making Sokka trip and fall face first into the floor.

Luna would have been in the same situation if it weren't for Aang who caught her and kept her from falling making sure to send the guard a glare for making her almost fall before the guard bended the wall back up closing the entrance.

"Are you okay? He didn't push you too hard right?" Aang asked worked as he looked Luna over for any indication that she was hurt in some way.

"No, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine." she said with a soft smile as she dismissed his worries.

"You know, I'm okay too by the way." Sokka called out from the ground and Momo jumped down from Aang's shoulder to try and help him up making Luna and Aang laugh.

"This is one nice prison cell." Sokka commented as he stood up with an impressed look on his face.

"Well, the King did say it was newly refurbished." Aang reasoned.

"Come on Momo, let's sleep in this bed." Luna said going to lay down on one of the three beds that were in the room with Momo running from behind to join her.

"I wonder what these challenges are gonna be." Aang wondered out loud worried about the difficulty of the challenges as he too picked a bed leaving Sokka with the remaining one.

"Don't worry about it, whatever the challenges are, I'm confident you'll pass them." Luna said giving him a vote of confidence along with an award-winning smile.

"Yeah, I mean you're the Avatar. What kind of challenge could you fail." Sokka told him not worried at all.

"If only we didn't leave Harmony with Appa. Then we could be out of here in no time." Sokka sighed laying on his bed.

"Hey, I wasn't going to leave Appa alone. How would you feel if we all left you alone by yourself with no company?" Luna said in an offended tone.

"I guess I wouldn't like it." Sokka grumbled.

"Go to sleep. You get rude when you're tired." Luna ordered him and he just turned on his side, pulling the blanket up while he mimicked what she said to him and in less than 2 minutes he was asleep and dead to the world.

"Do you really think I can beat these challenges?" Aang asked her still feeling a little self-conscious.

"Of course, I do Aang. I'll always believe in you." she told him with complete belief in him.

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